
home(sick)bound 2021


Photos of Cape Breton landscapes are a google search away, my friends and family are a phone call away, I could probably get a decent donair just about anywhere. If all these things that make my home "home" are so easily accessible, why do I find it so hard to leave? "home(sick)bound" attempts to break that down.


Can You Check in the Back?

Can You Check in the Back? 2021


Marjorie, a video store clerk with a childhood fear of monsters in the closet, thinks she's in for a normal night at the video store, until a strange customer comes in with an odd request.


And Now Our Next Guest...

And Now Our Next Guest... 2022


A decade after falling out of the spotlight, a former child star, tormented by memories of her career, attempts to re-emerge into stardom with an appearance on a late night talk show.