They Carry Death

They Carry Death 2021


1492. Among the crew led by Christopher Columbus travel three men who by now should have been dead. They managed to avoid their sad fate by participating in this uncertain journey. After reaching the Canary Islands they flee taking with them one of the ship's sails. Meanwhile, in the "Old World", a woman tries to save her dying sister by taking her to a healer. Both of these trips attempt to make fun of death. Both of these trips are at the mercy of history



Bloom 2023


The phantom island of San Borondón is the subject of this experimental exploration that takes us above the earth and submerges us underwater. The unmistakable textures and colours of 16mm film and the use of digital cameras go hand in hand, creating a portrait of a landscape that is both mythical and real. The film has the ambience of an outer space expedition.