Diamond Handcuffs

Diamond Handcuffs 1928


German actress Lena Malena starred in this lavishly budgeted and potentially intriguing melodrama about the influence of a valuable gem on its owners.


Sherlock Brown

Sherlock Brown 1922


The secret formula for the world's most powerful explosive has been stolen from the U.S. government. William Brown, a clerk who aspires to be a detective, has just received his badge from some anonymous Midwestern agency, and manages to get himself embroiled in the intrigue.


The Blooming Angel

The Blooming Angel 1920


Floss Brannon, expelled from college for mischievous conduct, marries Chester Framm, a struggling young student who aspires to be an orator. When Chester's salary as an insurance clerk proves insufficient for the couple's needs, Claire invents a complexion cream called "Angel Bloom." Deciding to combine Chester's oratory prowess with the promotion of Angel Bloom, Floss rents an elephant, coats it with the cream and plans to have Chester pitch the product from the back of the animal.


Seeing's Believing

Seeing's Believing 1922


Because of a storm wealthy Diana Webster and Jimmy Harrison, her Aunt Sue's fiancé, must stay all night at a country hotel. Getting a single room, they pretend they are married to satisfy the concerns of the hotel manager though Jimmy sleeps on a cot in the hall. Another hotel guest, Bruce Terring misconstrues the situation and later when he meets Diana his scandalous interpretation of her escapade infuriates the young woman. She decides to teach him a lesson and show him that "seeing is not always believing" by placing him in a similar unusual position. She hires an acting couple to frame a badger game on Bruce, but they double-cross her, forcing Diana into an extorting scheme from which Bruce must rescue her, resulting in a snappy but happy ending for Bruce and Diana.


In His Brother's Place

In His Brother's Place 1919


Twins Nelson and J. Barrington Drake return home for the celebration of their parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Barrington is a wealthy oilman, but Nelson is a pastor in a small rural church, who is struggling to increase his ever-shrinking flock, Barrington tells him that his problem could be solved with the right type of salesmanship, and proceeds to map out a plan to do just that. However, a case of mistaken identity--and a scheme by two of the church's deacons to take over all of the church property--throws a wrench into his plans.


The Cheater

The Cheater 1920


Lilly Meany has grown up amongst charlatans, including her father. She decides to become a faith healer, and her first victim, a rich hypochondriac woman, is easy enough to "cure." In fact, the woman's so happy with Lilly, now calling herself Vashti Dethic, that she recommends her to her nephew, Judah, Lord Asgarby, who has a crippled sister, Eve. The little girl gives Lilly so much innocent trust and love that she actually is able to walk for the first time ever.


Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit 1921


Filmed on location at Monterey, CA, and starring exotic stage dancer Mlle. Doraldina, this long-lost South Seas romance featured Stuart Holmes as a vicious plantation overseer who poisons his boss (W.A. Bainbridge) in order to possess both the unfortunate man's estate and his daughter.


Look Your Best

Look Your Best 1923


Perla Quaranta, a half-starved "daughter of Little Italy," is given the place in Carlo Bruni's "Butterfly Act" that is vacated by a chorus girl who has become overweight. Although Perla becomes friendly with Krug, the wire-man, she rejects him as a suitor, and in revenge Krug causes Perla's wire to break.



Acquitted 1916


Hard-working insurance company bookkeeper John Carter, comes home Easter eve to his suburban cottage with a potted lily for his loving wife and two daughters. The Carters live happily until cashier Charles Ryder is murdered by the night watchman, a "coke sniffer" in need of money, and Carter is accused because he worked with Ryder that evening.


Fair and Warmer

Fair and Warmer 1970


A comedy of wrong assumptions, misunderstandings and martial mix ups because of jumping to conclusions.


The Chorus Girl's Romance

The Chorus Girl's Romance 1920


When, on a prank, shimmy dancer Marcia Meadows visits bookworm Horace Tarbox in his Yale dormitory, Horace falls madly in love and follows her to New York where he and Marcia marry. Denounced by his wealthy father, Horace attempts to support Marcia through his writing, but all his manuscripts are rejected, and he is fired from every job.



Daybreak 1918


Edith Frome (Stevens) finds it impossible to live with her alcoholic husband Arthur (L ‘Estrange), and finally leaves him. After three years she returns but leaves each evening, returning late arousing the suspicion of her husband. Having her followed he soon learns that she visits a child. Suspecting the worst because of her friendship with Dr. David Brett (Phillips), he institutes divorce proceedings. Edith confesses the truth about the child and Arthur, realizing his folly, swears off liquor and they are reunited.


The Social Code

The Social Code 1923


Babs Van Buren saves her lover from the electric chair and at the same time extricates her older sister, Connie from a trying situation.


The Power of Decision

The Power of Decision 1917


Artist model Margot uses her “Power of Decision” to choose between two men she loves, after much distress of course!


Glass Houses

Glass Houses 1922


When a wealthy young lady loses her inheritance, she decides to apply for work in disguise. In prim and proper working girl attire she becomes the respectable companion of a woman looking to reform her wayward nephew.


Uncharted Seas

Uncharted Seas 1921


After her drunken husband Tom brings home three cabaret women, Lucretia can no longer bear the abuse and turns to Arctic explorer Frank, who has long loved her and promised to come back to her whenever she needs his help.


The Wall Flower

The Wall Flower 1922


Idalene Nobbin attends a village dance but, due to the constant nagging of her mother, she believes herself to be a constitutional wallflower. By great luck she gets a dance with college football star Roy Duncan, although Roy has eyes for the village belle Prue Nickerson.


The Lifted Veil

The Lifted Veil 1917


Overcome with guilt after having an affair with her best friends husband, Clorinda hopes to escape her past by moving to Europe, where she meets Malcolm, a decent man who falls in love with her.


The Brand of Cowardice

The Brand of Cowardice 1916


Cyril Hamilton is a chicken-hearted easterner who heads west. He makes up for his past misdeeds by rescuing a Cavalry colonel's daughter Marcia West from Mexican bandidos.


Home Stuff

Home Stuff 1921


Stranded in the small town of Buckeye Junction young actress Madge Joy crawls upon a load of hay and falls asleep. Knocked unconscious when young farmer Robert Deep hitches up the wagon not realizing she’s inside she awakes in the Deep living room. "Ma" Deep takes to her at once, but old “Pa” Deep looks at her sternly. Claiming to be a runaway orphan rather than an actress she becomes a member of the family. Falling for Madge Robert confesses he dreams of being a playwright, that night his sister Susan, who has run away to be an actress, reappears. Pa Deep is furious when he finds out his daughter has been on the stage, but Madge reveals that she is herself an actress threatening to go away with Robert unless he makes up with his daughter. Eventually Madge finds fame in New York with Robert following with a play he knows is right.