The Devil's Brigade

The Devil's Brigade 1968


At the onset of World War II, American Lt. Col. Robert Frederick is put in charge of a unit called the 1st Special Service Force, composed of elite Canadian commandos and undisciplined American soldiers. With Maj. Alan Crown leading the Canadians and Maj. Cliff Bricker the acting head of the American contingent, there is initial tension -- but the team comes together when given a daunting mission that few would dare to attempt.



Passchendaele 2008


Sergeant Michael Dunne fights in the 10th Battalion, AKA The "Fighting Tenth" with the 1st Canadian Division and participated in all major Canadian battles of the war, and set the record for highest number of individual bravery awards for a single battle





Jeremiah Cardinal, the Prime Minister of Canada is faced with American invasion. Having been evacuated to a secret bunker, he wants to do more than sit around. Knowing it may give away his location and cost him his life, he must convince the Governor General to help him broadcast one last message to the people to inspire resistance or the invasion will continue uninterrupted.


Kanehsatake, 270 Years of Resistance

Kanehsatake, 270 Years of Resistance 1993


In July 1990, a dispute over a proposed golf course to be built on Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) lands in Oka, Quebec, sets the stage for a historic confrontation that would grab international headlines and sear itself into the Canadian consciousness.


Sam's Army

Sam's Army 1999


Canada was led to war by a bigoted, ignorant, self-obsessed Minister of Militia, who may well have been clinically insane, but the importance of Canada's contribution in that war owes a great deal to him. The man of course, was Colonel - later made Lieutenant General by his own hand - Sam Hughes. Sam's Army is a compelling portrait of a complex man and the formidable military he built. Sam Hughes was not your standard-issue military leader. Canada's World War I Minister of Militia and Defence concentrated power in his own hands, insisted that the Canadian military use the ill-conceived Ross rifle and liberally promoted his cronies. But there was no denying Hughes was a visionary. He assembled the world's largest-ever volunteer army and bucked superiors to keep his ferocious fighting force together in one Canadian Corps.


The Battle of Vimy Ridge

The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1999


A two-hour documentary which recreates for the viewer one of the greatest battles in Canadian military history. The film was made to show that Canadian character at its best, forging an identity for a country that before the First World War had been seen only as a British colony - an identity and a character that became recognized and respected throughout Europe.



Peacekeepers 1997


A Canadian Army unit with the United Nations peacekeeping force in the former Yugoslavia is tasked with keeping the peace in a dangerous Croatian town named Krasna.


Gino: A Child of War

Gino: A Child of War 2023


An account of a young Italian boy who was taken in by a Canadian military unit during World War II.


A Savage Christmas: The Fall of Hong Kong

A Savage Christmas: The Fall of Hong Kong 1992


The documentary, using the dramatization of fact, makes the case that the Canadian government knowingly sent two unprepared infantry battalions to help defend Hong Kong in late 1941, fully aware that they may have been on a doomed mission. The C Force, consisting of about 2000 soldiers from the Winnipeg Grenadiers and the Royal Rifles of Canada (from Quebec City) were, with the other British, Indian and Hong Kong troops, attacked on December 8, 1941 and overwhelmed by Japanese troops, leading to numerous casualties and the surrender on Christmas day. The Canadians would spend more than 3 and half years as prisoners of war, in horrible conditions. Part of "The Valour and the Horror" mini series.


The Last 100 Days

The Last 100 Days 1999


Canadian military accomplishments in the last hundred days of World War I, when the German Army was destroyed, surpassed those of any other army. The Canadian success was, in no small measure, due to Arthur Currie, whom a recent British historian describes as "the most successful Allied General and one of the least well known."



INTEL 1970


Intel is the story of Allison, a young woman who joined the army and became a dental hygienist. Allison is sick and tired of her job and would like to switch to the more exciting trade of intelligence officer. However, her family is not as supportive as she had hoped they would be. Is it worth risking her marriage and disappointing her mother? What will it really be like to hold a job that doesn't allow you to tell anyone where you are or what you are doing?


Open Secrets

Open Secrets 2004


This provocative documentary uncovers a lost chapter in Canadian military history: how the Armed Forces dealt with homosexual behaviour among soldiers, during and after World War II. More than 60 years later, a group of five veterans, barely adults when they enlisted, break the silence to talk about how homosexual behaviour "was even more unmentionable than cancer." Yet amidst the brutality of war, instances of sexual awakening among soldiers and officers were occuring. Initially, the Army overlooked it, but as the war advanced, they began to crack down: military tribunals, threats of imprisonment, discharge and public exposure. After the war, officers accused of homosexuality were discharged. Back home in Canada, reputations and careers were ruined. For the young men who had served their country with valour, this final chapter was often too much to bear. Based on the book Courting Homosexuals in the Military by Paul Jackson.


Les Recrues

Les Recrues 2017


Every year over 4,000 new recruits descend on the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. The school's goal? To turn civilians into soldiers in only 12 weeks.


No Price Too High

No Price Too High 1995


The Canadian contribution to World War Two was extraordinary in scale and variety. More than one million people, out of nation of just eleven million, volunteered to serve. To transform a small, virtually unequipped military into a powerful army, navy and air force was a remarkable achievement. No Price Too High traces Canada's involvement from the prewar years through 1945, explaining the events of the war in the context of the political and military realities of the time. There is none of the second guessing that has characterized so much recent analysis of the war. No Price Too High draws on original sources - personal letters and diary entries, and powerful photographs - to evoke the mood of those momentous years. The thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears, and heartbreaks of the generation of Canadians who faced the war are captured. Produced by Norflicks, No Price Too High chronicles Canada's role in the major events of the war, including The Battle of Britain, Dieppe and D-Day.