
რატატუი 2007


რემის უნიკალური გემო აქვს. ის მზადაა საკუთარი სიცოცხლე რისკავს, რომ უყუროს საყვარელ კულინარიულ შოუს და მიიღოს სუნელი ან უბრალოდ ახალი პროდუქტი. რემი ცხოვრობს ნათესავებთან, რომლებსაც არ ესმით მისი და არ ეთანხმებიან კულინარიისადმი მის გატაცებას. როდესაც რემი შემთხვევით მოხვდება ელეგანტური რესტორნის სამზარეულოში, ის გადაწყვეტს გამოიყენოს შანსი და გამოსცადოს თავისი უნარები. ახალგაზრდა ლინგუინი იმავე სამზარეულოში ვარდება. ერთადერთი, რისი იმედიც შეუძლია, არის დამლაგებლის სამუშაო. მაგრამ ის ასევე იღებს თავის შანსს.


ჭამა, სმა, კაცი, ქალი

ჭამა, სმა, კაცი, ქალი 1994


ფილმში მოთხრობილია ერთ ოჯახის ისტორია. ოჯახის მამა ტაივანში განთქმული შეფ-პოვარია, მისი ქალიშვილები კი სხვადასხვა პროფესიას ფლობენ და დამოუკიდებლად ცხოვრებას ცდილობენ. ფილმში ორი თაობის ურთიერთობა ნაჩვენებია კულინარიის ფონზე.



Bao 2018



ფრენკი და ჯონი

ფრენკი და ჯონი 1991


ორი მარტოსული - ფრენკი და ჯონი ერთმანეთს პატარა კაფეში შეხვდნენ. აქ ფრენკი ოფიციანტად მუშაობს ხოლო ჯონს მზარეულად აიყვანენ მას შემდეგ, რაც ის თვრამეტ თვეს გაატარებს ციხეში, ჩეკის გაყალბების გამო. ჯონი გულწრფელად გამოხატავს სიმპატიას ფრენკის მიმართ, მაგრამ ქალი არ აქცევს ყურადღებას, რადგან ეშინია კიდევ ერთხელ არ შეცდეს.


MasterChef Greece

MasterChef Greece 2010


MasterChef Greece is a Greek competitive cooking game show. It's an adaptation of the British show MasterChef.



Prostřeno! 2010


The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...


Ready Steady Cook

Ready Steady Cook 1994


Talented chefs battle it out against the clock, creating delicious dishes in 20 minutes


Celebrity MasterChef India

Celebrity MasterChef India 2025


Celebrities from different walks of life - actors, singer and more - don their chef's hats and showcase their culinary skills to win the coveted MasterChef title.


Great British Menu

Great British Menu 2006


Britain's top chefs compete for the chance to cook a four-course banquet for a high-profile figure.


Baek Jong-won's Alley Restaurant

Baek Jong-won's Alley Restaurant 2018


Baek Jong-won, whose sharp business acumen and cooking mastery earned him a nickname 'the chef with golden hand,' is here to revive failing restaurants. Owners who bear Master Baek’s harsh criticism and take his advice will make their business fail proof!


Come Dine with Me

Come Dine with Me 2005


Amateur chefs compete against each other by hosting a dinner party for the other contestants. Each competitor then rates the host's performance with the winner winning a £1,000 cash prize. An element of comedy is added to the show through comedian Dave Lamb, who provides a dry and "bitingly sarcastic" narration.


Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen 2005


Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they possess the right combination of ingredients to win a life-changing grand prize.


Masterchef Italy

Masterchef Italy 2011


Italian adaptation of the MasterChef format. The show features a series of challenges in which contestants must demonstrate their culinary skills. These include knowledge of edible products, exceptional creativity, and mastery of various cooking techniques and recipes. Additionally, contestants are expected to show adaptability in different situations, game strategy, and human charisma.


The French Chef

The French Chef 1963


One of the first cooking shows on American television, created and hosted by Julia Child on public television to introduce the French way of cooking. It emphasized fresh ingredients, many of which were unfamiliar to Americans. Based on the books she co-authored, entitled Mastering the Art of French Cooking.


Beat Bobby Flay

Beat Bobby Flay 2013


Two talented chefs go head-to-head for the chance to Beat Bobby Flay. To get to Bobby the chefs must first face off against each other, creating a spectacular dish with a secret ingredient of Bobby's choice. Judges Alex Guarnaschelli and Jeff Mauro know Bobby's strengths and his weaknesses. Their goal: Pick the chef who has the skills to take down Bobby Flay in his own arena. The winning chef gets to challenge Bobby with his or her surprise signature dish. If Bobby goes down, the winner can tell the world, "I beat Bobby Flay!"


My Kitchen Rules

My Kitchen Rules 2010


My Kitchen Rules is an Australian competitive cooking game show broadcast on the Seven Network since 2010. The series is produced by the team who created the Seven reality show My Restaurant Rules, and was put into production based on the success of Network Ten's MasterChef Australia. My Kitchen Rules has just been renewed by the Seven Network for a fifth series.


Chefi la cutite

Chefi la cutite 2016


The show is the Romanian version of "Game of Chefs", a competition open for both amateur and professional chefs, competing for the title of "Romania's most talented chef". The show has four stages: The blind auditions, training camp, kitchen battles, and finals.


The Kitchen

The Kitchen 2014


Spend a fun and food-filled morning in The Kitchen with hosts Sunny Anderson, Katie Lee, Jeff Mauro, Marcela Valladolid, and Geoffrey Zakarian. From simple supper ideas, food trend discussions, and family meal tips to trivia games and viewer questions, they'll cover all things fun in food.



Ysabella 2007


What is the recipe for true love? Ysabella is an ordinary young girl who has an extraordinary passion, and skill for cooking! As such, she has always dreamt of becoming a chef. Her life makes a turn when her mother commits a mistake, making Ysabella evaluate what the ingredients for a fulfilling life are. Despite this, she remained passionate to her craft, and promised herself never to fall prey to the so-called evils of love.


Good Eats

Good Eats 1999


Host Alton Brown explores the origins of ingredients, decodes culinary customs and presents food and equipment trends. Punctuated by unusual interludes, simple preparations and unconventional discussions, he'll bring you food in its finest and funniest form.