Cut Off

Cut Off 2018


A coroner finds a capsule in the head of a heavily mutilated corpse, containing a phone number and single word: the name of his daughter.


Henri 4

Henri 4 2010


A wide-ranging, energetic period piece tracing the rise of the Protestant Henry of Navarre as he goes from battlefield warrior to France's beloved King Henri IV. Director Jo Baier's epic is a classically entertaining adventure, albeit one with more than a little bloodshed and frequent bawdy sexual interludes. In late 16th-century France, Catholics and Protestant Huguenots were at war. Seemingly seeking peace, the French dowager queen, Catherine de Medici summons Henry to her court to have him marry her daughter, uniting the two warring factions. However, the Catholics slaughter the Protestant wedding guests in what became known as the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre and Henry-now married-must use all his guile to both stay alive and maneuver for the throne. [Written by Palm Springs International Film Festival]


In a Land That No Longer Exists

In a Land That No Longer Exists 2022


It's 1989 in East Berlin: Suzie is kicked out of school shortly before she graduates from high school and has to defend herself as a worker in the cable factory. However, a randomly taken photo leads her to the fashion world of the GDR. The editor-in-chief Elsa Wilbrodt put her on the cover of Sibylle, the fashion magazine of the GDR. In the Berlin underground scene she made the acquaintance of the gay fashion designer Rudi and the photographer Coyote. Suzie must decide if she's brave enough to leave the old strands behind forever.


Return to Montauk

Return to Montauk 2017


During a book tour in the United States, Max meets and falls in love with a young woman. Many years later, Max returns to the United States, hoping to reunite with his young lover.


Der letzte Lude

Der letzte Lude 2003


The batty sandwich seller and wannabe pimp Andy Ommsen finally gets his chance in the red light district. A reckless underworld-boss hires him to guard the beautiful go-go-dance Anica. Unfortunately, this collides with Andy's second job, which is to show the c-grade actor Timo how to behave as a real pimp.


Martha Liebermann

Martha Liebermann 2022


Berlin, 1943, during World War II. Martha Liebermann, an elderly upper-class Jewish woman, faces the decision of her life: should the widow of the world-famous and revered painter Max Liebermann continue to try to obtain an exit permit from the Nazis or, with the help of a resistance group, should she flee to Switzerland?


Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall 2009


In September 1974, at the Bösebrücke border crossing between East and West Germany, Heike and Ulrich Molitor, along with their two little children, are caught trying to escape to the West. As a punishment the parents are presented with a terrible decision: they will be permitted to leave for West Germany with their seven-year-old son Klaus, but their two-year-old daughter Miriam must remain in East Germany and will be given up for adoption. If the Molitors refuse these conditions, they will both be imprisoned for a year—and both their children will be taken from them. This situation forms the basis for an emotional story in which various destinies in East and West intertwine, reaching a dramatic climax with the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Mamas Flitterwochen

Mamas Flitterwochen 2008


After a lot of trial and error, Hilde Reimer has finally decided to marry her late love Theo. Immediately after the wedding, Theo moves in with her in the Reimersche family villa - nothing seems to stand in the way of their mutual happiness. Or is it? While Theo soon gets to feel the idiosyncrasies of his new wife, Hilde quickly realizes that she can hardly keep up with the pace of the agile Theo in everyday life.


A Hero's Death

A Hero's Death 2001


It was the biggest escape in the history of the Berlin Wall: in one historic night of October 1964, 57 East-Berliners try their luck through a tunnel into West Berlin. Just before the last few reach the other side, the East German border guards notice the escape and open fire. Remarkably, all the refugees and their escape agents make it out of the tunnel unscathed, but one border guard is dead: 21-year-old officer Egon Schultz.


Endlich Sex!

Endlich Sex! 2004


Preoccupied with her virginity, which distinguishes her from her peers, 17-year-old Saskia secretly dreams of dating Christophe, the star of the school and a musician to boot. As she is new to love, her fairy godmother takes the form of Hannes, a new gay neighbor, and sets about educating her. But Hannes also falls under Christophe's spell.


God's Mighty Servant

God's Mighty Servant 2012


The story of Sister Pascalina Lehnert, who was the personal confidant and secretary to Pope Pius XII for forty years, when he was the papal nuncio in Germany, and then for his whole pontificate. The Pope had great confidence in her wisdom, energy, and loyalty, and she became known as "the most powerful woman in the history of the Vatican."



Powers 2001


Peter has a dream job. He’s a popular magician in a posh Prague nightclub, whose act draws more applause than the strippers. He’s got an eye-catching assistant who is ready and willing to cuddle his frayed nerves whenever necessary. But he’s also got Sylvia on his neck: a pert, scatterbrained sister who forgets that a toss in the hay may just be worth a wedding ring. Things take a turn for the better – or worse? – when he discovers he possesses extra - let’s say, supernatural – powers that enable him to see into the future, hear music by rubbing his finger over a CD, and God knows what. The problem? Peter can’t control anything any more like he used to – neither his magic act, nor his love life, nor his sister’s latest erotic fantasy.



Kimono 2000


A hot summer day on a country road. A young woman in her bridal dress gets kicked out of a car. Lost and frustrated, she wanders off across a sea of grass into a dark wood - and discovers an abandoned house. Tired and worn out, she lies down on a bed. When she is awakened from her nap by a clap of thunder, she sees a cup of steaming hot tea and a package on the floor. She opens it - and finds a kimono. The bride knows she no longer is alone ... but should she put on the kimono?


The Summer After Graduation

The Summer After Graduation 2020


25 years after graduating from high-school, Alexander, Ole and Paul embark on a journey through Germany to see a show of their favourite band Madness.


The Visit

The Visit 2008


In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.


Das tapfere Schneiderlein

Das tapfere Schneiderlein 2008


Poor but confident and resourceful tailor David trusts, after killing seven flies in one swat, he's a match for any challenge and sets out to prove himself in the wide world. After luck and cunning help him deal with giant Lothar, he arrives at the castle of petty king Ernst, who is ruled by constant migraine and his ambitious, manipulative court counsellor Klaus, who desires to succeed by winning brat princess Paula's hand and claims to be the only saviour who can rid the land of three supernatural dangers.