Wendy Melvoin Prince - Dirty Mind New York '81 Prince and The Revolution - Parade Live in Stockholm Prince and the Revolution: Live Prince and the Revolution: The Makings Of Rain Prince and the Revolution: Live at the Omni, Atlanta プリンス/パープル・レイン Prince and the Revolution: Parade LIVE Prince: The Hits Collection Sheila E.: Live Romance 1600 Life O' The Party: On the Road with Prince and the New Power Generation トイズ Prince - Dirty Mind Paris '81 Let's Go Crazy: The Grammy Salute to Prince ソウル・フード The Third Wheel 恋のスラムダンク Hav Plenty Cavedweller デンジャラス・マインド/卒業の日まで ワイン・カントリー Virtuality Second Skin Something New Where Are They Now? The Grammys The Grammys The Grammys The Grammys The Grammys The Grammys The Grammys