Antony Carrick ヘンダーソン夫人の贈り物 Mr White Goes To Westminster The Bill: Target The Unknown Soldier Sunshine in Brixton The Finishing Line Probation エリザベス:ゴールデン・エイジ The Chelsea Murders The Land of Dreams Personal Services Whinfrey's Last Case 007/リビング・デイライツ Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora Beautiful People Champions Hopscotch Jabberwocky Prick Up Your Ears Killing Me Softly Codename: Kyril Julia The Hunchback of Notre Dame True Patriot The Calling 恋の掟 The Happy Valley Titus Andronicus 銀河ヒッチハイク・ガイド The Bill Softly, Softly Z-Cars Shoestring Tales of the Unexpected The Professionals Crime Traveller Heartbeat Inspector Morse Rumpole of the Bailey Yes Minister Hallmark Hall of Fame Yes, Prime Minister Angels The Cleopatras Target The Devil's Crown Madame Bovary Hammer House of Horror Clouds of Glory Murder Most English: A Flaxborough Chronicle Doctor Who Rosemary & Thyme The Brack Report 名探偵ポワロ The Main Chance Grange Hill Dalgliesh Tales of the Unexpected Public Eye Ripping Yarns The Professionals The Wednesday Play Shine on Harvey Moon