Jack Oakie 独裁者 Fast Company It Happened Tomorrow Thieves' Highway Finders Keepers The Wonderful Country Hollywood on Parade No. A-1 Alice in Wonderland 恋人よ帰れ Wintertime The Dummy Tomahawk Hitler: The Comedy Years The Wild Party Rise and Shine The Toast of New York The Texas Rangers Murder at the Vanities The Eagle and the Hawk That's the Spirit Young People Hitting a New High Once in a Lifetime If I Had a Million The Rat Race The Affairs of Annabel The Man I Love Street Girl Something to Shout About Colleen Looking for Trouble Million Dollar Legs Uptown New York Call of the Wild Sweet and Low-Down Road House Super-Sleuth Let's Go Native When My Baby Smiles at Me From Hell to Heaven College Humor Sitting Pretty The Big Broadcast of 1936 Last of the Buccaneers Shoot the Works Navy Blues Big Brother The Merry Monahans That Girl from Paris King of Burlesque Radio City Revels Fight for Your Lady Dancers in the Dark Thanks for Everything Too Much Harmony Sea Legs The Sap from Syracuse Annabel Takes a Tour Madison Square Garden Song of the Islands The Social Lion Close Harmony The Great American Broadcast Northwest Stampede Chinatown Nights Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 Dude Ranch Florida Special Kilroy Little Men Hello, Frisco, Hello Sweetie Hit the Deck College Rhythm Hard to Get Tin Pan Alley Bowery to Broadway Champagne Waltz The Stolen Jools Polo with the Stars Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove Paramount on Parade 80日間世界一周 Sky Bride She Wrote the Book The Fleet's In Iceland Collegiate Take It or Leave It His Children's Children Hollywood Rhythm June Moon The Gang Buster Sailor Be Good On Stage Everybody Bing Crosby: Rediscovered Touchdown! The Great Dictator: The Clown Turns Prophet Breakdowns of 1942 Make Me a Star Someone to Love Studio One Target: The Corruptors! Daniel Boone This Is Your Life The New Breed Breaking Point ボナンザ