インディ・ジョーンズ/最後の聖戦 1989
舞台は1938年。冒険家として、また考古学教授として多忙な日々を過ごすインディ・ジョーンズに、大富豪ドノヴァンから相談が持ちかけられる。イエス・キリストの聖杯の所在を示す重大な遺物を手に入れたが、調査隊の隊長が行方不明になり、それを探して欲しいというのだ。 最初は渋っていたインディだったが、その行方不明になった隊長というのが自分の父、ヘンリー・ジョーンズであると聞き、仕方なく依頼を承諾。父が最後に消息を絶ったヴェネツィアに向かった。
舞台は1938年。冒険家として、また考古学教授として多忙な日々を過ごすインディ・ジョーンズに、大富豪ドノヴァンから相談が持ちかけられる。イエス・キリストの聖杯の所在を示す重大な遺物を手に入れたが、調査隊の隊長が行方不明になり、それを探して欲しいというのだ。 最初は渋っていたインディだったが、その行方不明になった隊長というのが自分の父、ヘンリー・ジョーンズであると聞き、仕方なく依頼を承諾。父が最後に消息を絶ったヴェネツィアに向かった。
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
“決してひとりでは見ないでください--” この名キャッチコピーは公開当時の流行語に。鮮烈な色彩、ゴブリンが参加した不気味なサウンド、過激演出が三位一体となって独自の緊張感を生み、今も語られることが多い逸品。1977年日本公開の洋画でベストテンに入るヒットを記録。影響で翌年、アルジェントによる1975年の無関係な作品が「サスペリアPART2」として日本公開。監督にとっては「インフェルノ」「サスペリア・テルザ 最後の魔女」に続く“魔女3部作”の第1弾に。 アメリカからドイツのバレエ学校に留学してきたスージー。校舎に到着した夜、ある女性が何か言いながら消えていく姿を目撃する。直後、女性は何者かに殺される。入学したスージーは厳しいレッスンを受けるようになるが、体調に異変が起きて倒れたり、同じ寮で友人になったサラとともに怪しいうめき声や足音を聞くなど、異常な事態が続く。ついにある夜、サラは何者かに追われている気がして、寮の中をひとりで逃げるが……。
『Blood Red Sky』(別題:『Transatlantic 473』)は、ステファン・ホルツが監督し、ピーター・ソーワースと共同で脚本を手掛けた、イギリス・ドイツ合作のアクション・サスペンス・ホラー映画[1]。出演は、ローランド・ムーラー、ペリ・バウマイスター、チディ・アジューフォ、アレクサンダー・シェア。ドミニク・パーセルなど。2021年7月23日にNetflixで全世界に配信予された。
In THE RACE, five creators compete against each other in a race. They have no money, no smartphone and are limited to the bare necessities for sleeping. The participants only find out exactly where they are going at the start. What doesn't change: Whoever makes it to the finish line first has won THE RACE!
Shows the interaction between Hamburg police officers and paramedics.
To win back his ex-girlfriend, a nerdy teen starts selling ecstasy online out of his bedroom -- and becomes one of Europe's biggest dealers.
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia.
A gripping coming-of-age story set against the real culture wars and political events of Germany in the 1980s. The drama follows Martin Rauch as the 24 year-old East Germany native is pulled from the world as he knows it and sent to the West as an undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service. Hiding in plain sight in the West German army, he must gather the secrets of NATO military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is quite what it seems and everyone he encounters is harboring secrets, both political and personal.
When a gruesomely staged body is found at the German-Austrian border, two detectives investigate. As the ritual-like murders continue, they enter the killer’s sinister world, set in the Alpine wilderness.
A Cleveland grandfather is brought to trial in Israel, accused of being the infamous Nazi death camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.
Hogan's Heroes is an American television sitcom that ran for 168 episodes from September 17, 1965, to July 4, 1971, on the CBS network. The show was set in a German prisoner of war camp during World War II. Bob Crane starred as Colonel Robert E. Hogan, coordinating an international crew of Allied prisoners running a Special Operations group from the camp. Werner Klemperer played Colonel Wilhelm Klink, the commandant of the camp, and John Banner was the inept sergeant-of-the-guard, Hans Schultz. The series was popular during its six-season run. In 2013, creators Bernard Fein through his estate and Albert S. Ruddy acquired the sequel and other separate rights to Hogan's Heroes from Mark Cuban through arbitration and a movie based on the show has been planned.
These are the stories of relationships taking place in the fictional five-star hotel Fürstenhof, located in Feldkirchen-Westerham near Rosenheim with the plot revolving around members of the family room area, the hotel owners, and employees.
Türkisch für Anfänger is a critically acclaimed German television comedy-drama series, which premiered on March 14, 2006 on Das Erste. It was created by Bora Dağtekin and produced by Hoffmann & Voges Ent. The show focuses on the German-Turkish stepfamily Schneider-Öztürk, their everyday lives and particularly on the eldest daughter Lena, who narrates the show. During the show's run of 52 episodes, topics covered included both typical problems of teenagers and cross-cultural experiences. Due to popular demand, the crew shot a third season consisting of 16 episodes, which were aired in Fall 2008. The show was also successful on foreign markets and got sold to and broadcast in more than 70 countries.
A young girl falls in love with a poor brewer's son. Their relationship is opposed by the girl's father, a rich mobster who has come to town to try to bully his way into the inner circle of Munich's brewery dynasties.
Lukas Franke finds himself a victim of a hacking attack, his online information altered to implicate him as having masterminded a cyber-attack on Berlin resulting in a city-wide blackout. Suspected as a terrorist, Lukas scrambles to find out why he's been targeted, as even his family and friends begin to doubt his innocence.
At the Berlin dance school "Galant," worlds collide and the struggle between prudishness and emancipation is carried out. The proprietor of the dance school, Caterina Schöllack, has three daughters whom she orders to integrate into this hierarchically structured society. Two of her daughters seem to abide by their mother's wish. Only Monika, the middle daughter, rejects the given path and discovers rock 'n' roll for herself.
This gripping docuseries examines Adolf Hitler and the Nazis' rise, rule and reckoning from pre-WWII to the Holocaust to the Nuremberg trials.
Weissensee is a German television series. The series is set in East Berlin in 1980 and 1987 and follows two families.
Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them.
Der letzte Bulle is a German television series that was first aired in 2010. The series is about a cop from the 1980s put into a modern police department in Essen.
With plenty of passion and little know-how, two musicians undertake a daunting project: turn a late singer's houseboat into a creative musical space.
Seven British construction workers escape Britain's ever growing dole queues and travel to Germany to work on a site in Dusseldorf. We follow their trials and tribulations of working away from home and away from the women they left behind.