ゴッドファーザー PART II 1974
この新しい冒険では、マイアミの麻薬探偵マイク・ローリー(ウィル・スミス)とマーカス・バーネット(マーティン・ローレンス)が、マイアミのエクスタシーデザインの陰謀を暴こうとするハイテクチームの一員として割り当てられます。 しかし、彼らは無意識に麻薬王、ジョニー・タピア(ジョルディ・モラ)が関与する致命的な陰謀を発見します。 さらに悪いことに、DEAの秘密捜査官であるマーカスの美しい姉妹であるシド(ガブリエルユニオン)は、クロスファイアに巻き込まれ、ヒーローたちを法の端に追いやることを余儀なくされました。 キューピッドがマイクとシドの上を飛行し始めると、すべてがさらに複雑になり、保護者の兄弟の怒りを引き起こします。
ソ連崩壊前、ソ連の化学兵器工場に006ことアレックと共に侵入したボンドだったが、責任者のウルモフ大佐によりアレックが拘束されてしまう。ボンドはやむなく彼を見捨て秘密工場を爆破し、任務を達成した。 それから9年後。20世紀も終わりに近く、ソ連は既に崩壊していた。ボンドはモナコでロシアの犯罪組織「ヤヌス」のメンバーであるゼニアをマークしていたが、彼女と将軍になっていたウルモフは、対電磁波装甲を施したNATOの最新鋭戦闘ヘリコプター・タイガーを、デモンストレーションを行っていたフリゲート艦上から奪取・逃走する。 その後ゼニアとウルモフは、ロシアの秘密宇宙基地に現れ、ソ連時代の秘密兵器「ゴールデンアイ」を起動させ、兵士と職員を皆殺しにする。女性コンピューター技術士のナターリアは、奇跡的に生き残り脱出した。 ボンドは「ゴールデンアイ」とヤヌスの関係の手掛かりを求めてサンクトペテルブルクへ行き、そこで9年前殺されたはずのアレックと再会して、意外な真実を知る。
It all started with an encounter between a young, ordinary man and a woman whose life has been designed by her influential parents. May it be fate or sheer coincidence, it was a picturesque sunset-lit evening in Cuba that brought them together. And as if they were put under a spell, they were drawn to each other despite the hardships and agony that they were meant to face inevitably. To those around them, the man’s actions and words may seem like nothing but of a young, foolish man’s youthful infatuation, but to them, it is love.
Black Panther Party co-founder Huey P. Newton enlists an unlikely ally—Hollywood producer Bert Schneider—to elude an FBI manhunt and escape to Cuba.
Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy Che Guevara’s revolution of freedom, the exciting melody of Buena Vista Social Club, splendid old cars, and refreshment from Mojito. They find lodging by walking around, think about places to eat, sleep, and what to wear. Bargaining happens everywhere. They throw themselves into the unpredictable moments. Here are the two confused tourists with a backpack. Their travel starts now.
Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the Calypso set sail to research far-off cultures and species of aquatic fauna and flora in another of the explorer's nature series, mainly in the Pacific Ocean and in the West Indies.
Recounts the tumultuous history of Cuba, a nation of foreign conquest, freedom fighters and Cold War political machinations.
Joanna Lumley travels across two of the most enigmatic countries in the Caribbean Cuba and Haiti to explore and uncover the hidden gems that these countries have to offer
As Havana slowly revolves through the year, wistful detective Mario Conde probes the sultry heart of the city to investigate dark and deadly crimes.
Having road-tested retirement in India, Miriam Margoyles, Wayne Sleep, Bobby George and Rosemary Shrager are reunited to discover what it is like to grow old in other countries around the world.
After the 1959 Cuban Revolution and the subsequent United States embargo, it has been illegal to import American cars to the island nation - as a result, Cuba's vintage American vehicles are frozen in time, and each of these cars has a unique story to tell. For Cubans, these cars are not just a means of transportation, but a way of life. CUBAN CHROME will give viewers an intimate look into this rarely seen country as they meet the men who put everything on the line to keep these classic cars running. Through A Lo Cubano Car Club - a passionate group of car enthusiasts, restorers, mechanics and apprentices - the series explores the challenges and joys of life in Cuba, presenting an authentic look into their culture of passion, grit, determination and ingenuity.
The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people.
Car enthusiast José Gaudet travels the Cuban streets and roads looking for the car of his dreams. He is accompanied by Gildor Roy, who is fluent in Spanish.
Jamaican-born Stuart Hall looks at the history of the Caribbean islands through interviews with modern inhabitants.