ウォレスとグルミット 野菜畑で大ピンチ! 2005
年に一度のお祭り“巨大野菜コンテスト”まであとわずか。発明家ウォレスと愛犬グルミットのコンビはプロの害虫駆除隊として、大繁殖し て畑を荒らすウサギから野菜を守っていた。しかしある夜、町中の畑が大被害に遭う事件が発生!しかもそれは巨大ウサギの仕業であるという噂が流れ…果たして巨大ウサギの正体とは? そしてふたりはこの難事件を解決できるのか?!
年に一度のお祭り“巨大野菜コンテスト”まであとわずか。発明家ウォレスと愛犬グルミットのコンビはプロの害虫駆除隊として、大繁殖し て畑を荒らすウサギから野菜を守っていた。しかしある夜、町中の畑が大被害に遭う事件が発生!しかもそれは巨大ウサギの仕業であるという噂が流れ…果たして巨大ウサギの正体とは? そしてふたりはこの難事件を解決できるのか?!
小学2年生のまりちゃんは、ニンジン、ピーマン、牛乳が大嫌いで、食べると気絶してしまうほどだ。ある日、苦手な食べ物をムリヤリ食べたら、ニンニンマン、ぴーマン、ミルクたち、ヘンテコな《お化け》が現れた! ニンニンマンたちはノリのいい魔法を使って、まりちゃんのトラブルを解決しようと活躍する。はたしてまりちゃんは、気まずくなってしまった親友のモモちゃんと仲直りができるのだろうか?
Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.
Get ready to love your veggies! The beloved faith-based brand has a fresh new look as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and all their Veggie friends venture off the countertop for the first time ever in an all-new television series, available exclusively on Netflix. Every episode also features a brand-new, upbeat silly song as the Veggie crew embarks on new adventures throughout their house. This loveable comedy stays true to the roots of the VeggieTales brand by seamlessly weaving in strong moral messages that will capture the hearts of Veggie lovers of all ages.
American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity. They frequently retell Biblical stories, sometimes anachronistically reframed, and include humorous references to pop culture in many different eras by putting Veggie spins on them.
Mr Bloom's Nursery is a children's television program on BBC's brand CBeebies. Mr Bloom, played by Ben Faulks, is a gardener who helps children to get involved and inspired by nature. Each episode sees a small group of children visiting his allotment, feeding his "Compostarium" compost bin and interacting with puppet vegetables.
Super Plex is a cucumber like no other. He dreams of being a real superhero. And he is ready to work very hard to get there. With the help of his group of friends who are just as persistent as he is, he faces the tests to which he is subjected to obtain the official title of superhero. Fortunately, he has a lot of determination and imagination.