ブレードランナー 2049 2017
1982年、南アフリカ共和国のヨハネスブルク上空に突如宇宙船が出現した。しかし、上空で静止した巨大な宇宙船からは応答や乗員が降りる様子はなく、人類は宇宙船に乗船しての調査を行うことを決定。知的生命体との接触に世界中の期待が集まる中行われた調査であったが、船内に侵入した調査隊が発見したのは、支配層の死亡と宇宙船の故障により難民となった大量のエイリアンであった。 乗船していたエイリアンたちは地上に移り、隔離地区である「第9地区」で難民として、MNU (英:Multi-National United) と呼ばれる超国家機関による管理・監視のもとで生活することになったが、文化や外見の違いから人間とエイリアン達との間では小競り合いが頻発する。人間達のエイリアンへの反発や差別は強まり、やがて彼等に対しては「エビ」(外見がエビ[=PRAWN]に似ているため)という蔑称が定着するようになった。 そして宇宙船出現から28年後、ついにエビ達を新たに用意された彼ら専用の居住区域である第10地区に移住させることが決定し、MNUの職員であるヴィカスは、立ち退き要請の同意を得るため第9地区を訪れるが、エイリアンの家で見つけた謎の液体を不注意により浴びてしまう。
Ji-O has a special power and a secret, but he doesn't know who he really is. He is chased by mysterious figures, while he tries to find answers to numerous questions that surround him. Goo-Reum is a detective. When she decides on a course of action, she won't change no matter what. Her parents disappeared when she was only a young child. Goo-Reum chases after the truth behind her parents' disappearance. She meets Ji-O and her life changes.
The title characters of the series are a family of machine-enhanced human beings possessing unique powers after being augmented with bionic technology, much like The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman. Each family member is given specific bionic powers, and thus they form a superhero team named Bionic Six.
In the near future, human inhabitants would have been crowded and congested. It was an urgency to stride out to the universe and find a new home. When everything was under progress in an orderly way, dramatic geological transformations erupted over the courses of decades. Human beings were raped by this disaster and hardly left anything. Until the nature gradually restored calm, people struggled to their feet from ruins and abysses, stepping again onto this familiar but strange earth. But for us people, dominating everything has been rooted into our blood. Are we still masters of this new world?
A woman's life is turned upside down when she finds out her father used his sperm in a number of IVF procedures, leading her to track down her newly discovered siblings.
After an experimental gene therapy turns them into monsters, three twenty-somethings band together to hunt down the scientist responsible and force him to make them human again.
Series in which famous people examine just why they are the way they are.
From eradicating disease to selecting a child's traits, gene editing gives humans the chance to hack biology. Meet the real people behind the science.
An account of the Galvin family of Colorado Springs, CO, and how schizophrenia ripped through their family, affecting six of 12 siblings.
Using the latest in archaeology, anthropology and genetics, this series tells the story of where the modern world began. Incorporating studies of artifacts, renowned sites of archaeological interest and interviews with leading experts, it moves around the geographic zones of the world, exploring how and why civilization first sparked into life.
Mia goes to medical school to get close to a professor she suspects had a hand in her past family tragedy and gets tangled in the world of biohacking.
A five-part series that features the latest research exploring how early humans evolved. See how the mixing of prehistoric human genes led the way for our species to survive and thrive around the globe. Archaeology, genetics and anthropology cast new light on 200,000 years of history, detailing how early humans became dominant.
Series which tells the story of how people came to understand the natural order of the plant world, and how the quest to discover how plants grow uncovered the secret to life on the planet.
Investigative genetic genealogist CeCe Moore uses her unique research skills to transform the face of crime solving. By working with police departments and crime scene DNA, Moore is able to trace the path of a violent criminal's family tree to reveal their identity and help bring them to justice.