ディアボロス/悪魔の扉 1997
長老殺しの罪で追放されていたヴァンパイア(吸血鬼)処刑人セリーンは、ある日突如、ヴァンパイア族に呼び戻される。 ヴァンパイア族の宿敵である狼男のライカン族が新たなリーダー・マリウスの登場により猛攻を開始、ヴァンパイア族が劣勢に立たされたため、兵士の養成役として彼女が選ばれたのだ。 セリーンは行方不明になっている娘のイヴをライカン族から守るため、再び戦うことを決意する。
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
名門のカーバー高校では、生徒会長選挙に学園一の優等生が立候補した。彼女に学校を牛耳られることを恐れた顧問教師は、成績は良くないが人気のあるアメフト部員を立候補させるが……!? ブラックな笑いが渦巻く傑作学園コメディ。
一獲千金を夢見るバーテンダーが、真実の愛に目覚めるまでを描いた青春映画。ザ・ビーチ・ボーイズの「ココモ」、B・マクファーリンの「ドント・ウォリー・ビー・ハッピー」など、挿入歌も次々にヒット。日本では1989年に公開され、年間第3位のヒット(配収約17億円)を記録。第2位も同じくクルーズ主演の「レインマン」だった。 軍隊を除隊したブライアンはエリートビジネスマンになろうとニューヨークに降り立った。しかし学歴のない彼を雇う企業はどこにも無く、ダグという店主が経営する酒場でバーテンダーのアルバイトを始める。セクシーな魅力とダンスのようなシェイカーさばきが客たちに好評でたちまち町の人気者になるがダグとけんかしてしまい、彼とコンビを解消して店を辞めざるをえなくなる。やがて遠くジャマイカに渡ったブライアンはNYから来た画家志望の娘ジョーダンと出会い……。
M・クリフト、E・テイラー共演、貧しい家庭に育ち、出世を夢見る野心家の青年が破滅してゆく物語を通じて、資本主義社会を痛烈に批判したヒューマンドラマの名作。 貧しい家庭で育った青年ジョージ・イーストマン。出世欲の強い彼はある時、工場を経営する叔父のもとで働くことに。やがて、彼は社交界で令嬢アンジェラと出会い、惹かれ始める。また一方で、同僚のアリスとも親密になる。そして彼女はジョージの子を身籠もった。だがパーティーで再会したジョージとアンジェラは、互いに強く惹かれ合い関係を深めていく。こうして対照的にアリスの存在が煩わしくなってきたジョージは、彼女の殺害を謀るのだが…。
Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.
Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.
Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has just been abandoned and sold to a demon by his irresponsible parents! Surprisingly, the next thing he knows he's living with the demon who has adopted him as his new grandson and has been transferred into a school in the Netherworld where his new demon grandfather works as the principal. Thus begins the cowardly Iruma-kun's extraordinary school life among the otherworldly as he faces his true self, takes on challenges, and rises to become someone great.
A figure skating Olympic hopeful struggles to balance love, family and fragile mental health as her dream of winning takes a dizzying hold.
In the tradition of Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" and Gelsey Kirkland's "Dancing on my Grave" comes an insider’s look into the secret world of classical musicians. From her debut recital at Carnegie Recital Hall to the Broadway pits of "Les Miserables" and "Miss Saigon," Blair Tindall has played with some of the biggest names in classical music for twenty-five years. Now in "Mozart in the Jungle," Tindall exposes the scandalous rock and roll lifestyles of the musicians, conductors, and administrators who inhabit the insular world of classical music.
Acclaimed blackly comic historical drama series. Set amidst a web of power, corruption and lies, it chronicles the reigns of the Roman emperors - Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and finally Claudius.
The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.
Qiao Jingjing, a celebrity, and Yu Tu, an aerospace engineer were high school classmates. Qiao Jingjing confessed to Yu Tu twice but was rejected both times. Ten years later, Qiao Jingjing became a top celebrity. She wants to become the endorser of a video game but was exposed that her gaming skills are super bad. By chance, she meets Yu Tu, who is now an aerospace engineer and is currently feeling lost about his career. Under Qiao Jingjing's set-up, Yu Tu becomes her gaming coach. They slowly fall in love over time.
Wi Seung Hyun joins the Korean national Police University to follow in his father's footsteps but runs into hurdles as he gets involved with a woman named Go Eun Gang.
To survive in a dog-eat-dog world, two rival lawyers with high-class clientele tear apart anything that stands in the way of their ambitions.
Pasta follows the dreams and successes of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sfera Italian restaurant.
Wang Xuan and Xiao Qi strike a deal for the sake of power. They marry first before falling in love and join hands to protect their homeland. She is a woman who is no less than any man while he rose from humble beginnings. The imperial family has become rotten to the core. The nobles are lavish with no regard for the people. Princess Wang Xuan and her childhood sweetheart, the third prince, become pawns of a prophecy that states, "to acquire thee is to obtain the world." Being pulled into the matters of the court, Wang Xuan is married off by her father to Xiao Qi who comes from a poor family. On the night of their wedding, Xiao Qi is forced to leave the capital. Wang Xuan is shamed and discouraged. The Helan Prince kidnaps Wang Xuan in order to seek revenge on Xiao Qi. The crisis they face becomes a blessing in disguise for the couple. Wang Xuan is moved and inspired by Xiao Qi's wish to bring peace and prosperity to the nation and they fall in love.
After a doping scandal derails his career, former champion swimmer Tang Yi Bai makes a determined comeback. With the support of rookie reporter Yun Duo, who is overcoming her own fears, he fights to clear his name and reclaim his glory.
In Ambitious Women, all levels of ambition are revealed in a plot full of greed, revenge and struggle for power, through the conflicts of three strong women with very different personalities.
Late in the 10th century, the Liao dynasty is at the zenith of its power. The omnipotent Liao rule much of what is now Northeast China, Mongolia, Russia, and much of the Korean Peninsula. Prime Minister Xiao Si Wen and Princess Yan have three daughters, with the youngest, Xiao Chao, their favourite. Her heart belongs to the aspiring military commander, Han De Rang, whose family have served the Liao loyally for decades. However, her parents have other plans, sucessfully arranging her marriage to Liao Emperor, Jin Zhong, whom she eventually concedes to marry. As the Emperor’s queen, she becomes a fierce defender of the Liao by assisting in mobilizing the army, heading a 10,000-strong cavalry and providing support to the civil administration. Eventually, she will earn the title of Empress.
"Immortal Classic" depicts a cooking competition. There are two families, one family runs a restaurant and the other family are achnowledged master chefs. The drama will depict the relationships, misunderstandings, forgiveness through 4 generations of these two families.
Qiao Nuo, a fresh graduate, comes across an unexpected opportunity to become an intern for the city court. Because of her lack of knowledge for what the work entails, her abilities are questioned by the judge. Qiao Nuo witnesses the intense confrontations between prosecutors and defense lawyers with her own eyes and starts to develop an appreciation for her profession. She becomes determined to become a good judge. Under the guidance of the chief judge, Zuo Dong Hai, she is unafraid to put in the hard work to search for useful clues to help a trial case, to accumulate experiences, to meet friends and to find love.
Gosei School has a long history. The principal of the school is highly ambitious and he tries to achieve his goals by using supernatural majin powers. Six students go up against the principal. The students are Taisei Manaka (Taisho Iwasaki), Ryuhei Domon (Ryuga Sato), Yusuke Takigawa (Yuto Nasu), Hyuma Oura (Hidaka Ukisho), Naoya Morimura (Naoki Fujii) and Ichika Sakurai (Issei Kanasashi).
1819, Angouleme, France, a young ambitious poet, Lucien Chardon is introduced in the salon of Mme de Bargeton where meets the high society of the city. Lucien dreams of going to Paris to conquer the glory. But if Paris is the city where he can find fame, it is also that of great disappointments.