ジョン・ウィック:チャプター2 2017
米海軍特殊部隊ネイビー・シールズに入隊し、イラク戦争に狙撃手として派遣されたクリス。その任務は“どんなに過酷な状況でも仲間を必ず守ること”。狙撃精度の高さで多くの仲間を救ったクリスは “レジェンド”の異名を轟かせるまでになる。しかし、敵の間にもその腕前が知れ渡り、“悪魔”と恐れられるようになった彼の首には18万ドルの賞金が掛けられ、彼自身が標的となってしまう。一方、家族はクリスの無事を願い続けていた。家族との平穏な生活と、想像を絶する極限状況の戦地。愛する家族を国に残し、終わりのない戦争は幾度となく彼を戦場に向かわせる。過酷なイラク遠征は4度。度重なる戦地への遠征は、クリスの心を序々に蝕んでゆく。
ゲーム会社のプログラマー、マイルズ(ダニエル・ラドクリフ)はネットのコメント欄に過激な書き込みをする“クソリプ”で日々の鬱憤を晴らしていた。ある日、殺し合いを生配信する闇サイト「スキズム」でクソリプ祭りをしていたマイルズは、闇の組織に襲撃されてしまう。目を覚ますと、マイルズの両手にはボルトで拳銃が固定されていた!! さらに「スキズム」に参加し最凶の殺し屋ニックス(サマラ・ウィーヴィング)と戦って 24 時間以内に勝てと命令される。彼女のノヴァ(ナターシャ・リュー・ボルディッゾ)も人質にとられてしまい、逃げ場なし!! 果たしてマイルズは、二丁拳銃(=アキンボ)を武器にこの無理ゲーを攻略し、彼女を救うことができるのかー!?
SFホラーを予想させる舞台設定ながら、開拓者VS先住民の死闘を描く、まるで“火星(マーズ)が舞台の西部劇”というべき、血湧き肉躍る痛快編だ。「赤い河」「リオ・ブラボー」などを手掛けた名匠ハワード・ホークス監督を敬愛するカーペンターらしく、男も女も西部のヒーローのようにタフで、ゾンビ風の亡霊軍団と戦って戦って戦いまくる。痛快宇宙SFバトルアクション! 大勢が火星に移民した2176年。火星警察の女性警官バラードは、ある事件について尋問会で証言する。彼女は鉱山の町シャイニング・キャニオンの刑務所にいる受刑者ウィリアムズを護送すべく、列車で同地へ。だが町には、ウィリアムズら犯罪者数人しかいない。実はある古代遺跡で人類が封印を解き、解放された火星先住民の亡霊たちが人間に乗り移り、大虐殺を繰り広げたのだった。バラードら人間たちと亡霊たちの死闘が始まる。
Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. After years on the run, Georgia desperately wants to put down roots in picturesque New England and give her family something they've never had... a normal life. But it's not all carpool and Kombucha as Georgia's past threatens her and her family's new way of life... and Georgia will do anything to protect her family.
A spirited secret agent and her aloof colleague work in an unassuming, charming cafe while happily helping their customers' out in any way they can.
Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Iraq has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly the wrong time for Eiji Okamura, a pure-hearted young photographer from Japan, to make Ash Lynx's acquaintance.
When two hit men take out a dangerous mobster, the last thing they expect is for him to have a four-year-old daughter - now an orphan. But when they decide to take custody of the child, their life turns upside down! Between a mission here and a shootout there, the two hired killers will have to find time to prepare nutritious meals, stimulate the child's intellectual growth, and take the little one to daycare!
Although the city of Fukuoka might look relatively peaceful at first glance, in actuality it houses a thriving mixture of dangerous individuals such as killers, detectives, and professional revenge seekers right beneath its surface. Among their number is Zenji Banba, a laidback and observant detective who is investigating the work of other hitmen companies in the area. However, Banba might not be the only one with a bone to pick with these organizations, as Xianming Ling, a crossdressing male hitman in the employ of one such company begins getting fed up with his lack of jobs and pay. One day, after Ling's current target commits suicide before the hitman could reach him, his company refuses to pay him even half the amount they were originally supposed to for the assassination. Frustrated, Ling requests another mission and is offered the job of taking out Banba, whom his organization believes has been interfering with their business. However, when Banba arrives at his home and finds the hitman inside, Ling surprisingly doesn't even attempt to kill him. Instead, he offers the detective another option: to join him and form a team. With the offer on the table, exactly how will Banba respond, and just what plans does Ling have in store for the underground world of Fukuoka?
The 'bloodhound' awakens when her master, and head of the Lovelace family is assassinated.
The purchase, selling, or owning of a gun is banned in South Korea. There are almost zero crime cases involving guns in the country. Things change quickly. Illegal guns, from unknown sources, are brought into the country and gun incidents proliferate.
Makoto, a gang leader, takes in Minoru Tokito. Minoru has a mysterious past that includes the usage of a drug called W.A. This drug has caused Minoru to have his right arm as a monstrous limb. The two begin their journey by investigating this drug that is tearing up the city's "underground."
It takes a family to raise a farm! This new reality series provides a glimpse into the life and living of America's farm families. They work hard and play even harder.
There is always more to the world than meets the eye. This is the motto that twin brothers Sun Xiaotu and Sun Xiaohu follow in their lives as paranormal investigators, where what may be terrifying to some is just another day at work. Normally, it is simple for them to separate their daily lives from their job, but when they go to investigate a seemingly typical haunting of a pair of twins, a series of bizarre events throw their perception of the supernatural world into question as they become a target of the hauntings themselves. The further the brothers search for answers to the paranormal mysteries thrown at them, the hazier the lines between truth and fiction become. Through the challenging and sometimes dangerous adventures ahead, one question remains: what kind of secrets are the ghosts trying to hide from them, and are they already more connected to the spirits than they originally thought?