哀れなるものたち 2023
史上最高の女性 R&B ポップ ボーカリスト、ホイットニー ヒューストンの人生と音楽を讃える、楽しく、感動的で、悲痛な祝祭。 無名から音楽のスーパースターになるまでの彼女の旅を追跡します。
The dim light and shadow wake up the dark night, everything is silent, and there is no place to hide the heartbeat. In the lights of the town, Nanya and Zhou Luo encountered a touch of warmth.
After six years of marriage, Gu Xiaoya has sacrificed her own dreams to be a full-time homemaker for her family. But her husband, Zhou Yang, while appearing caring, is in reality controlling and abusive. Enduring constant mistreatment from both Zhou Yang and her mother-in-law, Gu Xiaoya finally gains the courage to stand up for herself. With support from lawyer Shen Jia, she pursues justice through legal means, reclaiming her rights, holding Zhou Yang accountable, and rediscovering her sense of self.