Percy Hilburn Ben-Hur: Una storia di Cristo La serpe di Zanzibar Il principe azzurro Children of Pleasure Redenzione The Rogue Song Sis Hopkins The Turn of the Wheel Good News The Tower of Lies His Glorious Night The Hell Cat The Branding Iron The Stronger Vow The Blackbird The Cossacks Dangerous Days Body and Soul Iron Man The Call of the East Bunty Pulls the Strings Flame of the Desert Way for a Sailor Valencia The Storm When Doctors Disagree Confessions of a Queen Godless Men The World and Its Woman After Midnight Man, Woman and Sin Memory Lane L'isola misteriosa A Japanese Nightingale The Years of the Locust The Narrow Path The Winning of Sally Temple On the Level The Crystal Gazer Her Strange Wedding A School for Husbands Each Pearl a Tear A Gutter Magdalene Tennessee's Pardner The Puppet Crown