Josephine Crowell Nascita di una nazione The Bad Boy Bunty Pulls the Strings Josselyn's Wife I Am Not a Racist The Bravest Way The School Teacher and the Waif Il re degli scapoli Welcome Home Stella Maris A Child of the Paris Streets A Homespun Vamp The Folly of Anne The Tear That Burned The Craven A Yankee from the West La coscienza vendicatrice Rupert of Hentzau Flowing Gold Live and Let Live Dog Shy Amore di madre Cuori del mondo The Six Best Cellars Shattered Idols Ashes of Vengeance Zander the Great The Mountain Rat The Painted Lady The Sisters The Better Way Yellow Fingers Peppy Polly La vedova allegra Don't Neglect Your Wife Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm The Hop Smugglers No Father to Guide Him Crooked Streets Dad's Choice Minnie Stanlio e Ollio - Un cavallo per un quadro A rotta di collo Il grande problema The House Built Upon Sand Tranello Intolerance The Sporting Venus Diane of the Green Van Nobody's Money Seeing's Believing Home Stuff Martha's Vindication Cheerful Givers Betsy's Burglar Pillars of Society New Brooms A Man and His Mate The Big Parade of Comedy Fighting Love Held by the Enemy The Fair Barbarian L'uomo che ride No Publicity The She-Devil Padlocked Scrambled Weddings Main Street Women's Weapons Birth of Skibidi