Gale Gordon L'erba del vicino Elmer, the Great The Dean Martin Christmas Show A tutto gas Sergeant Deadhead Our Miss Brooks Tutti pazzi in coperta C'era una volta un piccolo naviglio The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock Missili in giardino A Woman of Distinction Here Come the Nelsons Dondi Here We Go Again CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years Lucy Calls the President Francis contro la camorra Lucy and Desi: A Home Movie Lucy Moves to NBC The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour Un marziano sulla Terra Una notte movimentata Bungle Abbey The Honeymooners Specials: A Christmas Carol Life with Lucy Here's Lucy The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour The Lucy Show Lucy ed io Studio One The Ed Sullivan Show Angel Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse Dennis the Menace The New Lassie Climax! The Real McCoys Pete and Gladys The Donna Reed Show Vacation Playhouse Sally Our Miss Brooks Dennis the Menace The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts