Thomas Baptiste Carne cruda The Music Machine Le cinque chiavi del terrore I commedianti Ipcress Rise and Fall of Idi Amin The Attendant Cannoni a Batasi Drums Along Balmoral Drive Jemima + Johnny Ghost in the Noonday Sun Fable The Secret Laughter of Women Nairobi Affair I 4 dell'oca selvaggia Zaffiro nero Pal In the Beautiful Caribbean Domenica, maledetta domenica King Aiuto! - Help! Black and White in Colour Shaft e i mercanti di schiavi Ama Beyond This Place Amori proibiti 5 ore violente a Soho Countdown at Kusini Flame in the Streets Honeybaby, Honeybaby The Class Of Miss MacMichael Escape From Kampala Two Gentlemen Sharing Crown Court Il Santo EastEnders Maigret Minder Crown Court Il ritorno del Santo Il Santo Play for Today Divorce His, Divorce Hers I professionals