Anton Loeb Funderful Suburbia Bargain Counter Attack Popeye the Sailor: Wimpy the Moocher Corsa automobilistica Pirata Huey Il grande flagello Car-azy Drivers The Circus Comes to Clown L'antenato di Braccio di Ferro Private Eye Popeye Parlez Vous Woo Pilgrim Popeye Let's Stalk Spinach Lezioni di ginnastica Abusement Park Avventura al Polo Nord Short'nin' Bread Lulu in Hollywood Due mamme per Huey Lulu's Indoor Outing Heap Hep Injuns Land of the Lost Jewels Fiesta Time A-Haunting We Will Go Forest Fantasy Casper Comes to Clown Casper Takes a Bow-Wow The Stupidstitious Cat Goofy Goofy Gander Comin' Round the Mountain Invention Convention Miners Forty Niners Drippy Mississippi Boos in the Nite Dizzy Dishes Pleased to Eat You Il papà di Huey Cat Carson Rides Again City Kitty Much Ado About Mutton The Land of the Lost The Mite Makes Right The Little Cut-Up There's Good Boos To-Night Safari So Good Keeping Up with Krazy