Paul Burke Il caso Thomas Crown La valle delle bambole Spy Chasers I figli della gloria Il rifugio del corvo Psychic Killer The Rookies Quando baci una sconosciuta Screaming Eagles Minuto per minuto senza respiro Il sergente Bum! The Disembodied Della Francis in the Navy Little Ladies of the Night Five Fingers : Dossier Five Fingers: The Judas Goat Advice to the Lovelorn Maharlika Killing at Hell's Gate An Echo of Theresa The Red-Light Sting Valley of the Dolls: A World Premiere Voyage Crime Club Wild and Wooly Beach Patrol Lieutenant Schuster's Wife The Suicide Squad - Missione suicida La signora in giallo Magnum, P.I. Thriller The Great Adventure Colombo Trapper John, M.D. Santa Barbara Hawaii squadra cinque zero Hawkins Dynasty La città in controluce Charlie's Angels Hotel Medical Center Dragnet Combat! Ironside Philip Marlowe Harry O Vega$ La pattuglia della strada Sulle strade della California The Millionaire Hot Shots Men Into Space Il tenente Ballinger Petrocelli Adventures of Superman The Littlest Hobo Matinee Theater Navy Log Black Saddle Ricercato vivo o morto 12 O'Clock High Harbormaster Noah's Ark Tightrope Sam Dottor Kildare Panico Five Fingers What Really Happened to the Class of '65? Noah's Ark Black Saddle Adventures of Superman Hawaiian Eye Hawaii squadra cinque zero 12 O'Clock High The Lieutenant Medical Center Finder of Lost Loves Love Boat Love Boat Love Boat Starsky & Hutch Marcus Welby 12 O'Clock High Pepper Anderson agente speciale Adventures of Superman Mannix 12 O'Clock High Fantasilandia Difesa a oltranza