Glenn Cook Bela Lugosi & il Gorilla di Brooklyn False Colors Lonesome Trail The Violent Ones I docks di New Orleans Il tesoro del santo The Courageous Avenger Spook Busters The Kid Ranger Smart Politics Roaring Westward Lo scrigno orientale Jinx Money Smart Woman Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die In Old New Mexico La roccia di fuoco The Feud of the Trail Bowery Bombshell Bowery Buckaroos Allotment Wives Condannato a morte Silver Queen West of Nevada Charlie Chan e il drago rosso Campus Sleuth The Hunted Frontier Feud The Lost Trail Sarge Goes to College Below the Deadline I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes Kid Courageous Charlie Chan e l'alibi oscuro The Shanghai Cobra Inganno Courage of the West State Police Outlaw Express Song of My Heart Joe Palooka in Fighting Mad Moon Over Montana The Woman of the Town The Kansan The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler