The Act of Killing - L'atto di uccidere

The Act of Killing - L'atto di uccidere 2012


Nel 1965, con un colpo di stato, l'esercito depone il governo indonesiano. In meno di un anno chiunque si opponga alla dittatura militare viene accusato di comunismo e trucidato con l'appoggio della Gioventù di Pancasila. Appartenenti ai sindacati e alla minoranza etnica cinese, contadini privati della propria terra e intellettuali sono giustiziati dai paramilitari e da piccoli fuorilegge dediti al bagarinaggio di biglietti del cinema presto elevati allo stato di killer spietati. Gli assassini di ieri oggi sono uomini benestanti che hanno accettato di ricreare le scene delle loro torture e esecuzioni, adattandole ai generi cinematografici preferiti: western, musical e gangster movie.


Una scomoda verità

Una scomoda verità 2006


La condizione del paneta e i rischi che corre a causa dei gas serra è la scomoda verità che Al Gore si è impegnato a diffondere di persona attraverso un tour che si è esteso ai quattro angoli della terra avviato dopo aver perso (momentaneamente) la corsa alla Casa Bianca. Conscio di andare incontro allo scetticismo delle persone ma forte delle sue ricerche nel campo e di vent'anni di esperienza (già nel 1992 aveva pubblicato il libro Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit sul quale si basa la sua attuale "predicazione") Gore espone una serie di dati scientifici inattaccabili, tabulati, previsioni sul nostro prossimo futuro e risposte alla domanda su come affrontare il riscaldamento globale del pianeta.


XIII emendamento

XIII emendamento 2016


Il film inizia con l'idea che il 25 per cento delle persone incarcerate nel mondo sono incarcerate negli Stati Uniti, anche se gli Stati Uniti hanno solo il 5% della popolazione mondiale. "La "13a" classifica la crescita esplosiva della popolazione carceraria americana; nel 1970 erano circa 200.000 i detenuti; oggi la popolazione carceraria è di oltre 2 milioni. Il documentario tocca la schiavitù dei beni mobili; il film di D. W. Griffith "La nascita di una nazione"; Emmett Till; il movimento per i diritti civili; il Civil Rights Act del 1964; Richard M. Nixon; e la dichiarazione di Ronald Reagan sulla guerra alla droga e molto altro ancora.


Seaspiracy - esiste la pesca sostenibile?

Seaspiracy - esiste la pesca sostenibile? 2021


Un regista appassionato di oceani decide di documentare i danni provocati dall'uomo alle specie marine, ma finisce per scoprire un allarmante caso di corruzione globale.


Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy 2021


Durante una recessione dilaga una droga economica e potente, innescando il panico morale alimentato dal razzismo. Scopri la complessa storia del crack negli anni '80.



Fuck 2006



L'ebreo errante

L'ebreo errante 1940


"Documentario" di propaganda nazista con cui si intendeva delineare una storia distorta del presunto parassitismo del popolo ebraico, delle loro usanze criminali e della loro diffusione nel mondo e nelle varie società, similmente ai ratti.


The voices of Støjberg

The voices of Støjberg 2023


Danish documentary in two parts about Danish right wing politician Inger Støjberg and her fans


How to Become a Tyrant

How to Become a Tyrant 2021


The documentary series explores different political figures throughout history.


First Five

First Five 2023


Go behind the public roles of Finland’s all-female cabinet, for an honest and unguarded look into the lives of exceptional politicians in unprecedented times.


D-Day: The Total Story

D-Day: The Total Story 1994


This is the ultimate chronicle of the largest amphibious invasion in history. The momentous decisions and tragic losses, pitched battles and desperate strategies come alive with extensive footage from both Allied and Axis government vaults and revealing interviews with soldiers, commanders and civilians. Trace the development of D-Day from the initial plans and strategies to the final breakthrough that sent Allied troops roaring to Paris. Follow the strategies of Eisenhower, Montgomery, Marshall and Bradley and the counter-attacks and defenses of their German opponents. See how the heroism and valor of individual men was vital to salvaging success from plans that went awry in the first few minutes. And get an incredible, front-line view of the pitched battles that sent so many men to their grave.


Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow

Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow 1996


Russia’s War provides an important and in-depth account of the nation’s history throughout the period of Joseph Stalin's rule (1924-53). Told in ten parts, this astonishing documentary reveals eyewitness accounts, archival photography, documents and footage, and gives a remarkable insight into what let to the death of sixty-five million Soviets during Stalin’s reign of terror.


War Against Humanity

War Against Humanity 2019


When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian aggressors against a portion of the democratic countries of the world defending other totalitarian states. From the first day of the war in Poland, as it already is in China, this will be a war against humanity.


ETA, el final del silencio

ETA, el final del silencio 2019


On June 7th, 1968, ETA assassinates José Pardines, a Guardia Civil officer. On May 3rd, 2018, a communiqué from the terrorist gang announces the dissolution of its structures. Fifty years of terror, fear, pain, truces, negotiations and 826 deaths lie between the two dates.


In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis

In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 2022


In the Eye of the Storm is a six-part documentary series about one of the foremost intellectuals and political figures of our age, Yanis Varoufakis. In the Eye of the Storm begins with a first-hand account of Varoufakis’ dramatic battle with the European establishment, but goes much further to weave a gripping political narrative about the fate of our civilization: where we are, how we got here, and where he believes we must go. We see up close, through Varoufakis’ unique story, how power works at the highest levels, entering a world so often shrouded in secrecy.


History's Verdict

History's Verdict 2013


A group of history experts from London's King's College has created this documentary series that tries to assess the key political figures of WWII.


The 2000's: The Decade We Saw It All

The 2000's: The Decade We Saw It All 2015


With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to the financial crisis, the decade shows not only a period of turmoil in the United States but its also a golden age when the Internet hadnt been colonized by corporations, when social media was still young and fresh and when it was easy to make money.


The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project 2022


A five-part docu-series following a veteran group of former GOP operatives and strategists known publicly as the Lincoln Project. The fastest-growing super PAC in America takes on the task of “saving democracy” and defeating their own party’s sitting president, Donald Trump. While working to accomplish their stated goal of “defeating Trumpism,” the group is shaken by internal upheaval, a sexual harassment scandal, and a tidal wave of negative press.


Laogai: Prison Nation - Inside China's Ruling System

Laogai: Prison Nation - Inside China's Ruling System 2023


After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Mao Tsetung established a system of labor camps for systematic repression, known as Laogai, an abbreviation for "Reform Through Labor". In such camps, forced labor and physical and mental torture were used to bring about a so-called mental reform, re-education in the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. Millions of Chinese were affected. Many were executed. In hundreds of camps, the Party took advantage of the prisoners' free labor to build the economy. Self-criticism and denunciation were often the only way to escape martyrdom. Successive waves of purges culminated in the Cultural Revolution, which saw massive human rights abuses, political assassinations, massacres, and exiles in remote parts of the country. Using unreleased archive footage, the documentary tells the story of the invention, development and improvement of China's totalitarian system of surveillance and repression up to the present day, never told before.


JFK: Destiny Betrayed

JFK: Destiny Betrayed 2021


Thirty years after the release of his film JFK (1991), filmmaker Oliver Stone reviews recently declassified evidence related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963.


The King with Two Faces

The King with Two Faces 2023


A story about Sweden's monarchy, the role of the royal family in society and what happens when the person behind the monarch is reminded.


Thatcher: A Very British Revolution

Thatcher: A Very British Revolution 2019


The irresistible rise and dramatic downfall of Margaret Thatcher. Her inner circle reveal how a political outsider won power and dominated British life through a turbulent decade.


Concealed Enemies

Concealed Enemies 1970


Concealed Enemies is an American television docudrama of the events leading to the arrest, conviction, and imprisonment of former U.S. State Department official Alger Hiss.