After Porn Ends 3

After Porn Ends 3 2018


After Porn Ends 3 continua a esplorare se una carriera di artista per adulti sia intrinsecamente dannosa per l'equilibrio della propria vita.


Capitalism: A Love Story

Capitalism: A Love Story 2009


Questa volta Michael Moore prende le mosse da lontano, addirittura dall'Impero Romano, per mostrare come i segnali di decadenza di quella potenza antica siano tutti rintracciabili nella realtà odierna. La domanda è più che mai esplicita e con la risposta già incorporata: quanto è alto il prezzo che il popolo americano paga a causa della confusione operata tra il concetto di Capitalismo e quello di Democrazia? Per Moore i due termini non coincidono anzi sono in più che netta opposizione soprattutto ora, dopo la crisi mondiale di cui tutti paghiamo le conseguenze. Per sostenere la sua tesi questa volta il polemista di Flint (cittadina a cui fa ancora una volta ritorno vent'anni dopo Roger & Me) fa un uso molto più ridotto di gag verbali e visive (anche se non ci risparmia un nuovo doppiaggio del Gesù di Zeffirelli in versione liberistico-sfrenata). Perché questa volta il tema è talmente serio che lo spazio per la risata non può che essere ridotto.


La fattoria dei nostri sogni

La fattoria dei nostri sogni 2019


John e Molly Chester, coppia in fuga dalla città per realizzare il sogno di una vita, sperano di costruire dal nulla un’enorme fattoria seguendo i criteri della coltivazione biologica e di una completa sostenibilità ambientale. Tra mille difficoltà, momenti esaltanti e cocenti delusioni, i due impareranno a comprendere i ritmi più profondi della natura, fino a riuscire nella loro formidabile impresa.


Terra senza pane

Terra senza pane 1933


Documentario che descrive il modo di vivere di una piccola comunità Las Hunrdes (che è anche il titolo originale) in Spagna: le "comodità moderne" non sono arrivate, si vive come una volta. A volte manca il pane...


Vado a scuola

Vado a scuola 2013


Il film narra le storie di quattro bambini, provenienti da angoli del pianeta differenti, ma uniti dalla stessa sete di conoscenza. Dalle savane sterminate del Kenya, ai sentieri tortuosi delle montagne dell'Atlante in Marocco, dal caldo soffocante del sud dell'India, ai vertiginosi altopiani della Patagonia, i quattro protagonisti, Jackson, Zahira, Samuel e Carlito sanno che la loro sopravvivenza, dipenderà dalla conoscenza e dall'istruzione scolastica.



Time 2020




Fuck 2006




Objectified 2009


Documentario dedicato al design e alla cura che vi è dietro la forma e l'ideazione dei più svariati oggetti, dallo spazzolino da denti ai gadget high-tech.


Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy 2021


Durante una recessione dilaga una droga economica e potente, innescando il panico morale alimentato dal razzismo. Scopri la complessa storia del crack negli anni '80.


Lead Me Home

Lead Me Home 2021


Ritratto cinematografico dedicato a una crisi umanitaria sempre più profonda che vede al centro le storie toccanti dei senzatetto della West Coast statunitense.


Cesare deve morire

Cesare deve morire 2012


All'interno del carcere di Rebibbia, i detenuti in regime di massima sicurezza hanno la possibilità di occupare le loro lunghe giornate partecipando a un laboratorio teatrale che mette in scena, per lo più, le opere di William Shakespeare. Durante le prove e l'allestimento del "Giulio Cesare", le vite degli improvvisati attori si intrecciano inevitabilmente con quelle dei personaggi interpretati, costretti a confrontarsi con temi come il potere, la mancanza di libertà, la colpa e il rimorso.


Il Testimone

Il Testimone 2007


"Il testimone" (i.e. The witness) is a tv show created, made and presented by Pif. Every episode consists of a "mini-reportage", filmed through a little camera that Pif brings himself. This makes the spectator feel as if most of the tv filtres are removed and thus they can almost witness the events with their own eyes and feel directly involved in the social messages brought on by the show. Themes vary: they go from interviews to famous individuals, to trips, to the work of associations or even small everyday realities.


Visible: Out on Television

Visible: Out on Television 2020


Explore the history of the LGBTQ movement through the lens of TV in this five-part docuseries. Combining archival footage with new interviews, it looks at homophobia, invisibility, the evolution of LGBTQ characters, and coming out in the TV industry.


Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller

Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller 2020


A 360-degree view of the trafficking world from the point-of-view of the traffickers, law enforcement agents and those caught in the crossfire with access only National Geographic can provide.


30 Days

30 Days 2005


30 Days is a reality television show on the FX cable network in the United States, created and hosted by Morgan Spurlock. In each episode, Spurlock, or some other person or group of people, spend 30 days immersing themselves in a particular lifestyle with which they are unfamiliar, while discussing related social issues. As in Spurlock's film, Super Size Me, there are a number of rules unique to each situation which must be followed during each such experiment. At least one episode each season has featured Spurlock as the person spending the month in the particular lifestyle. Season one premiered on June 15, 2005, and its respective DVD set was released July 11, 2006. The second season premiered on July 26, 2006. Season 3 of 30 Days premiered on June 3, 2008. FX said on November 6 that it would not be renewing the series for a fourth season, effectively canceling the show. The show has recently been picked up for re-air by Planet Green, though no new episodes have been ordered. In the United Kingdom, the program is broadcast on More4 and Channel 4. In Australia, the program is broadcast on Network Ten and Lifestyle Channel. It currently airs in Canada on Independent Film Channel and Canal Vie. It also airs on FX in Latin America. In Norway it airs on TV 2. In Sweden it airs on TV4 and Kanal 9.


The Men Who Built America

The Men Who Built America 2012


Influential builders, dreamers and believers whose feats transformed the United States, a nation decaying from the inside after the Civil War, into the greatest economic and technological superpower the world had ever seen. The Men Who Built America is the story of a nation at the crossroads and of the people who catapulted it to prosperity.


Trainwreck: Woodstock '99

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 2022


Woodstock 1969 promised peace and music, but its '99 revival delivered days of rage, riots and real harm. Why did it go so horribly wrong?


K-Pop Idols

K-Pop Idols 2024


Glitz meets grit in this backstage pass to artists from around the world. Through trials and triumphs, Jessi, CRAVITY, and BLACKSWAN give everything they've got to an art form that demands nothing less than perfection.


Johnny vs Amber

Johnny vs Amber 2021


The tumultuous marriage and subsequent legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will have both sides of the story told in Johnny vs Amber.


Seven Wonders of the Industrial World

Seven Wonders of the Industrial World 2003


Seven Wonders of the Industrial World is a 7-part British documentary/docudrama television miniseries that originally aired from 4 September 2003 to 16 October 2003 on BBC. The programme examines seven engineering feats that occurred during the Industrial Revolution.


Immigration Nation

Immigration Nation 2020


With unprecedented access to ICE operations, as well as moving portraits of immigrants, this docuseries takes a deep look at U.S. immigration today.


Narco Wars

Narco Wars 2020


Narco Wars explores how opportunistic smuggling networks in Latin America turned into powerful and ruthless drug cartels with the power to destabilize and tear apart whole countries. The series combines gripping access to cartel members and the law enforcement agencies opposing them with a deep dive documentary exploration of the geo-political, social and cultural factors that led the cartels' rise.


Revelations: How To Find God

Revelations: How To Find God 2009


Every week, in small groups across the country, thousands of agnostics - complete strangers - gather to find out more about Christianity. They're on the Alpha course, the phenomenonally successful introduction to Christianity which converts the faithless into committed Christians on an industrial scale. With 100% access Jon Ronson follows one small Alpha group, documenting the whole process over its eight weeks. Will any of the members of the group convert to Christianity by the end of the course?


College Behind Bars

College Behind Bars 2019


Explore the transformative power of education through the eyes of a dozen incarcerated men and women trying to earn college degrees – and a chance at new beginnings – from one of the country’s most rigorous prison education programs.


ETA, el final del silencio

ETA, el final del silencio 2019


On June 7, 1968, ETA assassinates José Pardines, a Guardia Civil officer. On May 3rd, 2018, a communiqué from the terrorist gang announces the dissolution of its structures. Fifty years of terror, fear, pain, truces, negotiations and 826 deaths lie between the two dates.


Sex Change Hospital

Sex Change Hospital 2007


Sex Change Hospital is an American six-part documentary series following trans men and women having genital reassignment surgeries. Dr. Marci Bowers performs the surgeries and calls upon her own experiences as a transgender woman to guide her patients as they go through the ultimate life changing procedure.