Eric Roth The Curious Birth of Benjamin Button Forrest Gump The Good Shepherd The Horse Whisperer Munich Mr. Jones Lucky You The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Ali The Insider Suspect The Postman The Nickel Ride The Concorde... Airport '79 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Untitled Cher Biopic Memories of Me लाल सिंह चड्ढा The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Here Ellis Lucky You Untitled Lee Isaac Chung Project I'm Waiting for You A Star Is Born Rendezvous with Rama Killers of the Flower Moon Dúna Mank Jane's House To Catch a Pebble The Strangers in 7A London 1 Girl Infinite Mr. Jones Will & Grace Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter