The Martian

The Martian 2015


Geimfarinn Mark Watney er talinn af og verður strandaglópur á plánetunni Mars eftir að geimskipið The Hermes lendir í fárviðri, en geimfarinn verður að reyna að draga fram lífið á plánetunni einn og yfirgefinn, með lítið af tækjum eða öðrum vistum meðferðis. Markmiðið er að þrauka nógu lengi til að ná að koma skilaboðum til Jarðar, og bíða svo eftir björgun.



Moon 2009




Host 2020




Herbergi 2015


Herbergi er ótrúleg saga af Jack, fjörugum fimm ára strák sem er fastur ásamt ástríkri móður sinni í gluggalausu rými sem er einungis 3x3 metrar að rúmmáli, sem móðir hans kallar Herbergið. Móðir hans hefur skapað heilan heim fyrir Jack inni í rýminu, og mun gera allt sem hún getur til að Jack geti lifað innihaldsríku lífi þrátt fyrir þessar óvenjulegu aðstæður. En eftir því sem Jack fer að spyrja meira út í aðstæðurnar sem hann býr í, þá vex óþreyja móður hans, og þau gera áhættusama flóttaáætlun, sem á endanum gæti leitt þau út í hina hina stóru ógn - hinn raunverulega heim utan Herbergisins.



Between 2015


Between is the story of a town under siege from a mysterious disease that has wiped out everybody except those 21 years old and under. The series explores the power vacuum that results when a government has quarantined a 10-mile diameter area and left the inhabitants to fend for themselves.


And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None 2015


Ten strangers, drawn away from their normal lives to an isolated rock off the Devon coast. But as the mismatched group waits for the arrival of the hosts -- the improbably named Mr. and Mrs. U.N. Owen -- the weather sours and they find themselves cut off from civilization. Very soon, the guests, each struggling with their conscience, will start to die -- one by one, according to the rules of the nursery rhyme 'Ten Little Soldier Boys' -- a rhyme that hangs in every room of the house and ends with the most terrifying words of all: '... and then there were none.


The Shining

The Shining 1997


A new caretaker moves with his family into the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter.



SONA 2018


Forced to choose between her alien husband and her home planet, a United Earth Space Corps officer has no option but betrayal.


The Beach

The Beach 2020


Filmmaker Warwick Thornton's international success has come at a personal cost. He has reached a crossroad in his life and something has to change. He has chosen to try giving up life in the fast lane for a while, to go it alone, on an isolated beach in one of the most beautiful yet brutal environments in the world, to see if he can transform and heal his life.



Homemade 2020


Acclaimed filmmakers from around the world channel their creativity during COVID-19 isolation with this diverse, genre-spanning collection of short films.


The Chalet

The Chalet 2018


Friends gathered at a remote chalet in the French Alps for a summer getaway are caught in a deadly trap as a dark secret from the past comes to light.


Nagiev vs Quarantine

Nagiev vs Quarantine 2020


For the last 10 years a famous Russian celebrity Dmitriy Nagiev has been working 24/7 but suddenly he falls out of the routine once the quarantine has been announced. Constant changes of studios, shooting locations, cities, shows - everything is put on hold. And it's not happening in a movie, it's for real.



Solitary 2010


9 participants live in isolation from society in small cubicles resembling a solitary cell.


Nombreux et heureux en confinement

Nombreux et heureux en confinement 2020


Quebec is going through an exceptional situation due to COVID-19. Confinement is difficult for everyone and the situation does not spare larger families for whom working from home and raising children can be difficult. Three Canal Vie families have agreed to show what it’s like during these hard times.


Isolation Stories

Isolation Stories 2020


A series of four short dramas depicting life in lockdown. Each episode will be 15 minutes in duration and will reflect what families are going through after weeks of isolation. The series will be filmed observing the strict rules of lockdown with actors and their families filming the scenes themselves watched remotely by the directors. Each of the directors — Paul Whittington, Paul Andrew Williams, Louise Hooper and David Blair — will be watching footage via their mobile phones and giving advice to the actors and their family members about camera positioning, scene composition and lighting as they record the scenes.