Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror 2012


Setelah menghabiskan semua uangnya, seorang ratu penyihir jahat berencana menikahi seorang pangeran tampan dan kaya. Hanya ada satu masalah - dia jatuh cinta pada seorang putri cantik, Putri Salju. Sekarang, bersama tujuh kurcaci pemberontak, Putri Salju melancarkan pertempuran epik antara kebaikan melawan kejahatan...



Cleopatra 1999


Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 B.C., is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18. Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen, beds her, and eventually has a son by her. However, his Roman followers and his wife are not pleased by the union. In fact, as Caesar has only a daughter by his wife, he had picked Octavian as his successor.