John Fraser Iszonyat Crossbow akció Torreádor-keringő Tunes of Glory The Gentle Flame The Arcata Promise El Cid The Wind Cannot Read Doctor in Clover Tamahine The Trials of Oscar Wilde The Ha-Ha Fury at Smugglers' Bay The Good Companions Valley of Song Touch and Go The Picture of Dorian Gray Sivatagi patkányok The Man and the Snake The People’s Jack The Day They Buried Cleaver The Good Beginning The Doll Schizo Isadora Doctor Who: Logopolis The Horsemasters L'amante di Paride A gátrombolók - A gátrobbantók A Study in Terror I cavalieri dell'illusione The Secret Adversary A Midsummer Night's Dream The Patriots The Man from Hong Kong The Bill Ki vagy, doki? Hallmark Hall of Fame Dr. Finlay's Casebook The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Cavalcade of America Mystery and Imagination Lady Killers Scarlett Thundercloud Columbo A kozmoszon túl The Doll Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime The Wonderful World of Disney Sunday Night Theatre Sunday-Night Play Sunday Night Theatre