Mary Murphy Born Innocent Harlow The Lemon Drop Kid The Mad Magician A vad A fordulópont Támaszpont Crime and Punishment USA Hell's Island A félelem órái Westward the Women Make Haste to Live The Intimate Stranger Ülő Bika Live Fast, Die Young Escapement The Maverick Queen Main Street to Broadway Katherine A Man Alone Vidámparki bajkeverő Carrie Darling, How Could You! Junior Bonner The Atomic City Footsteps Off Limits Two Before Zero The Stranger Who Looks Like Me I Love You...Good-bye Világok összeütközése San Francisco utcáin Perry Mason Arrest and Trial Ironside Laredo Alfred Hitchcock Presents Redigo The Fugitive The Millionaire Black Saddle The Rebel Laramie The Detectives Cavalcade of America Honey West Breaking Point Dr. Kildare The Outer Limits Ghost Story The Westerner The Investigators Kodiak Death Valley Days