Dean Jones Sugarlandi hajtóvadászat Mitzi & 100 Guys Sose kevesebbet Ebadta kutyakölykök The New Interns A fránya macska Fránya macska Az egymillió dolláros kacsa A nagy likvidátor Beethoven Síparadicsom A kicsi kocsi újra a régi Végveszélyben A kicsi kocsi kalandjai Herbie Monte Carlóba megy Vizuális Biblia: Apostolok cselekedetei The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit Any Wednesday The Shaggy D.A. Under the Yum-Yum Tree Börtönrock Tea and Sympathy Batman és Mr. Freeze: Fagypont Feketeszakáll szelleme These Wilder Years Two on a Guillotine Scrooge and Marley Torpedófutam Queen Esther Mandie és a titkos alagút Original Cast Album: Company The Great American Pastime St. John in Exile L'inafferrabile invincibile Mr. Invisibile Ten Thousand Bedrooms Once Upon a Brothers Grimm Imitation General Fire and Rain Six by Sondheim Guess Who's Sleeping in My Bed? Night of the Quarter Moon Handle with Care America, You're Too Young to Die All About Jesus – Who Is This Jesus? Who Killed Julie Greer? Steve McQueen: Man on the Edge Don't Ask Me, Ask God Born Again The Opposite Sex Valaki odafönt Kraft Salutes Walt Disney World's 10th Anniversary Monkeys, Go Home! When Every Day Was the Fourth of July Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style A spasso nel tempo - L'avventura continua A spasso nel tempo Formatervezett nő (Kosztümök és újságok) The Long Days of Summer Special Report: Journey to Mars The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes The Great Man's Whiskers Disney Through The Decades Mickey's 50 Burke's Law Kraft Suspense Theatre Herbie, the Love Bug Medical Center Superman Beethoven Ensign O'Toole Target: The Corruptors! Outlaws The Chicago Teddy Bears The Aquanauts Hullabaloo Good Heavens The Dinah Shore Chevy Show Ben Casey Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre The Steve Allen Show Aloha Paradise Vacation Playhouse The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Oscar-gála Tonight Starring Jack Paar What's It All About, World? Nowhere Man The Danny Thomas Hour The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest Finder of Lost Loves Hullabaloo The Dick Cavett Show The Mike Douglas Show Gyilkos sorok Gyilkos sorok Bonanza