Ed Begley Egymilliárd dolláros agy Akasszátok őket magasra Tűzpatak Sajnálom, téves szám On Dangerous Ground Odds Against Tomorrow Az ifjúság édes madara Backfire Convicted Dark City Deadline - U.S.A. Deep Waters The Street with No Name Wild in the Streets Az elsüllyeszthetetlen Molly Brown A fordulópont The Dunwich Horror Boomerang! A nagy Gatsby The Violent Enemy The Oscar Sitting Pretty Patterns It Happens Every Spring Warning Shot La Route de Salina Tulsa Wyoming Mail Stars in My Crown Legends of the West Saddle Tramp Boots Malone The Lady from Texas Patterns The Silent Gun A Time to Sing The Monitors The Decorator The Green Helmet Lone Star Inherit the Wind You're in the Navy Now Secrets of the Pirate's Inn Tizenkét dühös ember Harvest Burke's Law Cain's Hundred My Three Sons The F.B.I. The Lucy Show Route 66 Naked City The Mod Squad Gunsmoke The Fugitive Hallmark Hall of Fame Target: The Corruptors! Going My Way Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse The Wild Wild West Rawhide The Fugitive The High Chaparral The Virginian Goodyear Television Playhouse Climax! The Philco Television Playhouse Ben Casey The New Breed Robert Montgomery Presents Lights Out Dr. Kildare The Defenders Oscar-gála Kraft Mystery Theatre Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Dr. Kildare Dr. Kildare Insight Cain's Hundred The Virginian Burke's Law Burke's Law Burke's Law Robert Montgomery Presents The Ed Sullivan Show The Name of the Game Bonanza Hallmark Hall of Fame The Wonderful World of Disney Gunsmoke The Philco Television Playhouse Támadás egy idegen bolygóról Támadás egy idegen bolygóról The Alfred Hitchcock Hour Kraft Television Theatre Kraft Television Theatre Omnibus Kraft Television Theatre