Mel Ferrer Lili Marleen A csodálatos Nemo kapitány Mille milliards de dollars The World, the Flesh and the Devil Várj, míg sötét lesz Eaten Alive A lány, aki ellopta az Eiffel-tornyot Háború és béke Élve megzabálva The Sun Also Rises A leghosszabb nap Scaramouche Majd most kiderül A Scotland Yard vendége L'isola degli uomini pesce Bűntanya L'Homme à femmes Lili Born to Be Bad La ragazza dal pigiama giallo El señor de La Salle Az öldöklő viking A Római Birodalom bukása Il fiume del grande caimano Egy kiskorú gyanús halála Knights of the Round Table The Hands of Orlac L'immoralità Elena és a férfiak Az ördög és a tízparancsolat Legenden: Audrey Hepburn Kozmikus látogatók La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide Et mourir de plaisir L'anticristo A Fekete Kalóz Saadia I gabbiani volano basso Lost Boundaries Das Netz Legge di guerra Mayerling The Vintage Oh... Rosalinda!! Sharon: Portrait of a Mistress El Greco La chica del molino rojo Proibito Fräulein L'avvocato della mala Eye of the Widow Audrey Hi-Riders Seduced Saint John Baptist De La Salle: Patron Saint of Teachers Audrey Hepburn: Remembered I lancieri neri Zwischengleis A Time for Loving Buitres sobre la ciudad A menekülő Nagy Katalin The Fifth Floor Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood Die Jäger The Memory of Eva Ryker Carola The Brave Bulls The Top of the Hill Fugitive Family Outrage! One Shoe Makes it Murder Incubo sulla città contaminata Un tenero tramonto Várj, míg sötét lesz A Time for Loving Green Mansions The Secret Fury Vendetta Cabriola Cabriola El Greco One Shoe Makes it Murder W The Thanksgiving Promise Macao The Girl of the Limberlost The Night Visitor Embassy Falcon Crest Gyilkos sorok Hawaii Five-O Hotel Wonder Woman Dallas Police Story The Fantastic Journey Search Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Eischied Oscar-gála Logan's Run Columbo Stars in der Manege Nagy Péter Return of the Saint Alle origini della mafia Black Beauty Hawaii Five-O Finder of Lost Loves Apropos Film Gyilkos sorok What's My Line? How the West Was Won How the West Was Won How the West Was Won