Susan Hayward Valley of the Dolls Idegenek háza A Kilimandzsáró hava Tap Roots The Fighting Seabees Jack London A hódító Boszorkányt vettem feleségül They Won't Believe Me Deadline at Dawn I'll Cry Tomorrow Élni akarok! A bűn kertje David and Bathsheba Kék csillag Among the Living Back Street Canyon Passage Demetrius és a gladiátorok The Lusty Men Rawhide Rókamese Hollywood Hotel Soldier of Fortune Arat a vihar Untamed Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman With a Song in My Heart I'd Climb the Highest Mountain The Lost Moment Where Love Has Gone I Can Get It for You Wholesale The President's Lady I Thank a Fool Tulsa Adam Had Four Sons Young and Willing Star Spangled Rhythm My Foolish Heart The Marriage-Go-Round La verifica incerta The Hairy Ape And Now Tomorrow White Witch Doctor Thunder in the Sun The Saxon Charm Ada Top Secret Affair Sis Hopkins Girls on Probation Woman Obsessed Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole Lopott órák Hollywood: The Selznick Years Skirmish on the Home Front The Forest Rangers The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout The Sisters A Letter From Bataan $1,000 a Touchdown Comet Over Broadway Hit Parade of 1943 Our Leading Citizen The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind Valley of the Dolls: A World Premiere Voyage A bosszúállók Heat of Anger Storm in My Heart Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History - The 1950s: The Golden Era of the Musical Oscar-gála The Ed Sullivan Show