Deborah Kerr Eye of the Devil John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick Jó reggelt, búbánat! Sir John Mills' Moving Memories Julius Caesar A vád tanúja Most és mindörökké Quo Vadis? Félévente randevú Blimp ezredes élete és halála Casino Royale Másutt a fű zöldebb I See a Dark Stranger Zenda foglya Az iguána éjszakája The Proud and Profane The Sundowners Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison Külön asztalok Salamon király kincse A fiatal Bess Tea and Sympathy A különleges tengerész The Day Will Dawn Az ártatlanok Anna és a sziámi király Fekete nárcisz Major Barbara The Chalk Garden The Arrangement Love on the Dole Dream Wife Hatter's Castle Az utazás Please Believe Me Prudence and the Pill The End of the Affair Edward, My Son The Hucksters Marriage on the Rocks The Naked Edge Beloved Infidel La verifica incerta If Winter Comes Perfect Strangers Count Your Blessings The Assam Garden Penn of Pennsylvania Thunder in the East Rat Pack The Sky Divers Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger Cary Grant: A Celebration of a Leading Man Yul Brynner: The Man Who Was King Reunion at Fairborough Robert Mitchum: The Reluctant Star A Song At Twilight On the Trail of the Iguana Rome, the Eternal City Ann and Debbie Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker And the Oscar Goes To... Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff Night of 100 Stars Nice Girls Don't Stay for Breakfast Hallmark Hall of Fame Egy gazdag nő The Steve Allen Show Oscar-gála Talking Pictures Barbara Taylor Bradford: Őrizd az álmot! The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson The Ed Sullivan Show V.I.P. Schaukel Dinah! Tony Awards Entertainment Tonight What's My Line? Cinépanorama The Dick Cavett Show What's My Line?