Simon Curtis Oroszlánbecsület Uncle Vanya Downton Abbey: Egy új korszak Egy hét Marilynnel The Chaperone Man and Boy Old Times Copenhagen The Changeling Nona Shadow of a Gunman The Deep Blue Sea Hedda Gabler Hölgy aranyban The Mother The Maitlands The Designated Mourner Absolute Hell A Short Stay in Switzerland The Student Prince After Miss Julie Suffer The Little Children Viszlát, Christopher Robin The Trials of Oz A Summer Day's Dream The Entertainer The Tribe The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd Broken Glass Encore Roots Downton Abbey 3 Buying a Landslide Viszlát, Christopher Robin The Mother Ebgondolat Friend Request Pending Suddenly, Last Summer The American Egy hét Marilynnel Mrs. Dalloway My Summer With Des Vízkereszt Landscape After the Dance Edward II Diana and I Spoonface Steinberg Henry IV