
Csúfok 2024


Egy futurisztikus világban, ahol 16 éves korban plasztikai műtétet írnak elő, Tally alig várja, hogy sorra kerüljön, és csatlakozhasson a társadalom többi tagjához. Ám amikor egy barátja megszökik, Tally olyan útra indul, hogy megmentse őt, amely megváltoztat mindent, amiről azt hitte, hogy vágyik.


Full Sail

Full Sail 1977


Full Sail is a TV series aired on Romanian National Television (TVR), based on the eponymous novel by Radu Tudoran. The series follow the adventures of two friends, the Romanian Anton Lupan and the French Pierre Vaillant. Anton Lupan tries to find the L'Esperance schooner, which belonged to them, wiyhout knowing that it was a victim of a pirate attack. But he hopes in particular to find Pierre, so they can start on a trip to an uncharted land, which they attempted several times to explore unsuccessfully. He found the ship, but his friend was nowhere to be found. Anton was forced to leave on a trip across Atlantic, to Tierra del Fuego.