Mission: Impossible - Leszámolás - Első Rész

Mission: Impossible - Leszámolás - Első Rész 2023


Ethan Hunt és IMF-csapata belevág az eddigi legveszélyesebb küldetésbe: felkutatni egy félelmetes új fegyvert, mielőtt az rossz kezekbe kerülne. Miközben a jövő irányítása és a világ sorsa a tét, halálos verseny indul a Föld körül. Egy titokzatos, teljhatalmú ellenséggel szembesülve figyelembe kell vennie, hogy semmi sem fontosabb a küldetésnél – még azok élete sem, akikkel törődik.



Dominique 2024


Dominique, egy jól kiképzett bérgyilkos, zaklatott múltját maga mögött hagyva megpróbál új életet kezdeni Dél-Amerikában. Azonban hamarosan egy erőszakkal és korrupcióval sújtott városban találja magát. Miközben brutális támadások érik a rendőrség és a maffia részéről, Dominique-nak el kell döntenie, hogy saját magát védi-e, vagy azt az ártatlan családot, amely befogadta őt.


Angry Birds - A film

Angry Birds - A film 2016


A madarakkal zsúfolt birodalomban sem csupa boldogság és öröm az élet. Ott van például Red, a vörös madár, akinek nem fenékig tejfel az élete, így hát nincs is mit csodálkozni azon, hogy az idegeire megy minden.


Farkasokkal szemben

Farkasokkal szemben 2024


A film egy rendőrtisztet követ nyomon, akinek egy szemtanút kell elkísérnie, miután egy kartell lövöldözése több DEA-ügynök halálát okozza, de aztán el kell döntenie, hogy kiben bízzon, amikor kiderül, hogy a támadást amerikai erők hajtották végre.


Top Gunner: Danger Zone

Top Gunner: Danger Zone 2022


Az amerikai vadászgépeket egy titokzatos harci repülőgépekből álló század támadja meg, és halálos csata veszi kezdetét, amely életeket fenyeget földön és égen egyaránt.



Forráskód 2011


Colter Stevens százados egy száguldó vonaton tér magához, és fogalma sincs, hogyan került oda. Egy Christina nevű ismeretlen nő ül vele szemben, aki viszont a jelek szerint azt hiszi, hogy ismeri őt. A százados a mosdóba menekül, ahol a tükörbe nézve egy másik ember arcát látja, a tárcájában lévő személyi igazolvány alapján a neve Sean Fentress, és tanár.


A disznó, a kígyó és a galamb

A disznó, a kígyó és a galamb 2023


Amikor egy ambiciózus bűnöző rájön, hogy ő Tajvan harmadik legkeresettebb szökevénye, megpróbálja megelőzni az első kettőt.


Ra One

Ra One 2011


A filmben Shah Rukh Khan kettős szerepet játszik.Shekhar (Shah Rukh Khan) a kissé elvont indiai férfi Londonban él feleségével Soniával (Kareena Kapoor) és fiával, Prateekkal (Arman V.)Egy számítástechnikai vállalat mérnökeként korunk legmodernebb videojátékának kifejlesztésén dolgozik. Fia arra kéri, hogy a játék ne szokványos legyen, hanem olyan, ahol a gonosz legyőzhetetlen. Shehkhar enged a fiának, de a gonosz ellenszereként, biztonságképpen kifejleszti a szuperhős jót is. A gonoszt Ra.One-nak, a jót G. One -nak nevezi el.A játék bemutatóját követő partin Shekhar fia Lucifer nicknéven kipróbálja a játékot, de nem tudja befejezni. Shekhar véletlenül a robot kezébe tesz egy szál rózsát, ami megzavarja a programot, és Ra.One, kiszabadul. Mivel csak Lucifert ismeri, őt keresi mindenhol,hiszen le kell győznie.



Amphibia 2019


The adventures of 13-year-old, self-centered Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will become a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.


The Cage

The Cage 2024


Dreaming of going pro, a young fighter struggles to be seen until an unexpected face-off lands him a shot at the big time — and a ruthless rivalry.


I Am Nobody

I Am Nobody 2023


When a student unearths the truth behind his grandfather’s life, he must unveil his secret superpowers to an underworld eager for his emergence.



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.


El amor no tiene receta

El amor no tiene receta 2024


Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.


Infernal Affairs

Infernal Affairs 2023


During the 1944 Wang Jingwei regime of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Lu Feng, an orphan, returns home to Shanghai after studying for two years in Japan. Unbeknownst to the world, he has been ordered to enter the No. 76 Headquarters as an undercover agent for the Communist Party. Along the way, Lu Feng encounters the mysterious Hua Xiang Yu, a capable and skilled woman who has just returned from studying abroad in America, and his old childhood friend, Huo Fei. Both individuals seem to hold secrets of their own. Time and time again, as Lu Feng strives to protect his undercover identity, he finds himself on the opposite side of Hua Xiang Yu. Slowly and uncertainly, the two circle around each other, each hoping to uncover the other's real purpose. In this time of chaos where corruption and violence dominate the world, these underground agents, can only choose to fight for what they believe is right... and, hopefully, bring about a more peaceful tomorrow.


Duty After School

Duty After School 2023


When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.



Sagrado 2024


The members of the Sagrado family live to prove they are the most powerful and influential, stopping at nothing to bury dirty secrets to keep their name faultless and sacred.


Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger

Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger 2023


There is an ancient prophecy shared amongst the kingdoms of Chikyu- 2,000 years after their fall, the Territorial Empire Bugnarok will once again rise up to kill all humans. However, five kings and their guardian deity, King-Ohger, will stand up to face them. This is the story of kings who will defend Chikyu, as well as a coming-of-age story for one young man who will achieve kingship henceforth.


Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play

Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play 1995


Junior high school student Miaka lives a normal life in Tokyo until she finds a mysterious book in the library, and she and her friend Yui are transported the Universe of the Four Gods. Upon arriving in this new universe, the girls are immediately attacked by would-be slavers and saved by a dashing young man. When Miaka isn't looking, both Tamahome and Yui vanish. Unbeknownst to Miaka, Yui has been sucked back into the real world. Back in the library, all she can do is read on as Miaka sets out for the city to find the mysterious young boy and save her friend. But what awaits for Miaka isn't what either of the girls expect—and now Miaka's only way back to her world is to become the Priestess of Suzaku and save their world.


The Invisibles

The Invisibles 2023


Kan Yiu-yeung, Ku Ka-keung, Kiu Po-po and Kiu Tai-nam were once CTRU’s Formidable Quartet. An incorrect decision in an operation caused the breakup of their friendship. And the quartet went their separate ways. Fast-forward to the present and an indiscriminate homicide again brings the quartet together. But there are still certain unresolved issues between themselves. POTT is Counter Terrorism Intelligence Cadre’s other elite task force. Team leader Fong Kwok-hei admires Po-po and asks her to become her subordinate. Team member To Siu-jie fancies her partner Yiu-yeung and finds out Po-po is Yiu-yeung’s ex-lover, so she “starts a war”. Successive explosions happen in the city. While investigating, Po-po asks prisoner-cum-hard criminal Dr. Hong’s for help, and the process is surprisingly easy. Actually, Dr. Hong has some trick up his sleeve.


The Gods And Demons Of Zu Mountain

The Gods And Demons Of Zu Mountain 1990


After becoming a Blood Shadow with evil powers, traitor Ding Yinwei poses a threat to the world. Emei martial artists Qiong, Yun, Jingwo, Lingyun, and Jinchang set out to find the two demon-slaying swords to defeat him. On their journey, they encounter a repentant Ping and join forces. Even after obtaining the swords, the group faces challenges, particularly due to romantic entanglements. Now, they must defeat Ding in a final showdown.


Butterfly Shadow

Butterfly Shadow 2023


In 1941, under Japanese occupation, Shanghai becomes the center of a secret operation to flood China with counterfeit currency and loot its cultural treasures. Underground resistance leaders Wei Dahong and Lin Qiuyan embark on a covert mission to stop the scheme. Along the way, they team up with a group of young allies, risking everything to protect their homeland.


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938

Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 2023


A K-fantasy action unfolds as the Nine-tailed fox makes a crash landing in the year 1938, an era of chaos, and he struggles to return to the present.


Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance 2023


Li Wu comes from a lowly background but due to a misunderstanding, becomes a member of the Imperial Secret Police known as the Embroidered Uniform Guards. On the outside, he appears to be selfish and well-spoken, but deep down he’s honest and treasures brotherhood. Lu Zheng is an original guard; aloof and lacks good speech. But through their meeting, they find the friendship both have been looking for and evolve together. Together, they are pulled into many cases and hatred that runs deep in the court. Will they be able to solve all of the puzzles without becoming targets themselves?


Western Line

Western Line 2024


The events of the series revolve around the steadfastness of the people of the city of (Haditha), which is located in (Anbar) Governorate in Iraq, as they confront the terrorist organization ISIS, and the scourges of terrorism they are exposed to.


Family: The Unbreakable Bond

Family: The Unbreakable Bond 2023


Kwon Do-hun is an expert sniper and a secret agent working for the National Intelligence Service. To conceal his true identity, he lives a double life as a regular trading company employee, keeping even his wife Kang Yu-ra in the dark. Though he is occupied with his work, Do-hun cherishes his wife deeply. Meanwhile, Yu-ra, a dedicated homemaker, harbors a secret. Their tranquil existence is thrown into turmoil when Jo Tae-gu emerges, posing a threat to their carefully crafted façade.


My Lucky Star

My Lucky Star 2023


Chomjan is arrested when Ratti catches her selling fake jewellery. Ratti is a renowned jewellery designer and a famous car racer. He loathes liars and thieves and seizes any chance he can to put these people in their places. When Ratti catches his girlfriend cheating on him with his stepbrother, he flees to Italy. He returns months later when his stepmother threatens to sell one of his late mother's favourite necklaces. Filled with rage, Ratti storms into his ex's wedding and steals the necklace. Chomjan is released from jail and walking around homeless when she's caught up in Ratti's escape, causing the security to cuff both of them together. Tied together by force, Chomjan must help Ratti run from the police this time.