Amikor leszáll az éj

Amikor leszáll az éj 2024


Senki nem tudja, honnan jöttek és miért vannak itt. Egy dolog biztos, sötétedés után érkeznek és mindent elpusztítanak, ami az útjukba kerül. Paul (Nicolas Cage) és két tizenéves fia minden nap a túlélésért küzd ebben a posztapokaliptikus világban, amit ismeretlen lények uralnak. A legfontosabb szabály, hogy sötétedés után be kell zárkózni. Paul egyik fia azonban balesetet szenved az erdőben, miközben leszáll az éj…


A majmok bolygója: A birodalom

A majmok bolygója: A birodalom 2024


Több nemzedékkel Caesar után a harmóniában élő majmok jelentik a dominás fajt a bolygón, míg az emberek arra kényszerültek, hogy rejtőzködve éljenek. Mikor egy új, zsarnoki majomvezér hozzálát birodalma kiépítéséhez, egy fiatal majom viszontagságos útra indul, ami során kénytelen lesz kétségbe vonni mindent, amit a múltról tud, és olyan döntéseket hozni, amik egyaránt meghatározzák majd majmok és emberek jövőjét.


Furiosa: Történet a Mad Maxből

Furiosa: Történet a Mad Maxből 2024


Ki tudja, már, miért lett vége a világnak? Miért lett belőle végtelen, gonosz homoksivatag? Csak annyi biztos, hogy a világ elpusztult, és egy fiatal lányt, Furiosát elrabolják a Zöld Helyről, a Sok Anyától, és egy motoros horda meg a vezérük, Dementus viszi magával. Végigporzanak a sivatagon, és a Várat veszik célba, ahol meg a motoros hadúr meg akar küzdeni Halhatlan Joe-val és a féléltű hadfiúkból álló seregével. Furiosa viszont életben akar maradni. És haza akar jutni. Bármi áron.


Mad Max 4: A harag útja

Mad Max 4: A harag útja 2015


A sivatagi körülmények megnehezítik a mindennapokat, és az emberségességet is kiölte már az itt élőkből a betevőért folyó küzdelem. Két lázadó van csupán, akik szeretnék visszaállítani a rendet. Az egyikük Max, aki nem a szavak embere, de annál inkább megszállottja az adrenalinnak. Családja elvesztése után már csak az elméje békességéért küzd. A másik Furiosa, a nő, aki szintén úgy gondolja, hogy csak a békés állapotok visszaállításával lehet ideális körülményeket teremteni az itt éléshez.



RED 2025



A majmok bolygója: Háború

A majmok bolygója: Háború 2017


A háború az emberek és a majmok közt elkerülhetetlennek látszik. Ezúttal már az egész bolygó sorsa a tét, a kérdés csak az, hogy melyik faj kerekedik felül a legvégén. Caesar, a majom valahol a két világ között ragadt, szíve húzza mindkét helyre. Álma a békés együttélés lenne, de ez kivitelezhetetlennek tűnik. Szükség lesz az eszére, hogy az az erős vezető lehessen, akire szükség van a még nagyobb katasztrófa megakadályozása érdekében.



Finch 2021


Egy masszív napkitörés következtében az ózonréteg erősen megsérült, a Föld felszíne pedig lakhatatlanná vált. Az emberek többsége a föld alá menekült, s hasonlóképp tett főhősünk, Finch (Tom Hanks) is, aki egyetlen élő társával, az ír terrier kutyussal, Goodyearrel (Seamus) éli túl a mindennapokat az őket körülvevő veszélyes és megtépázott világban.


Mad Max 3: Az igazság csarnokán innen és túl

Mad Max 3: Az igazság csarnokán innen és túl 1985


A túlélhetetlen jövő örök vándora, Mad Max újfent a túlélésért küzd. Az elhagyott sivatagban épült különös város úrnője gladiátorjátékokkal szórakoztatja magát. Mad Max kiállja a próbát, mégis halára ítélik. Ám a nukleáris katasztrófa utáni világ mindig újabb meglepetéseket tartalmaz: egy különös, csak gyerekekből álló törzs menti meg őt, és segíti bosszúját.


Azt hiszem, most egyedül vagyunk

Azt hiszem, most egyedül vagyunk 2018


Az apokalipszisnek megvan a maga előnye, ha az ember szeret egyedül lenni - egészen addig, amíg fel nem bukkan egy másik szerencsés túlélő, a társaság veszélyével fenyegetve.


Vámpírok földje

Vámpírok földje 2010


Amerika elveszett. Amikor a vámpirizmus futótűzként terjed szét az országban, a megmaradt emberek a csoportokba tömörülve a városok helyén álló romok közt és barlangokban próbálnak menedéket találni a szörnyetegek ellen. Az ifjú Martin (Connor Paolo) családját lemészárolták, őmagát azonban oltalmába veszi egy kérges szívű, tapasztalt vadász, akinek most az élőholtak jelentik a prédát.A névtelen férfivel kettesben, majd később újabb tagokkal kiegészülve kisebb csapatként vágnak át Amerika szívén, hogy egy biztonságot jelentő helyet keressenek… Ha akad egyáltalán még olyan…


Az utolsó ember a Földön

Az utolsó ember a Földön 1964


Dr. Robert Morgan, az utolsó emberi túlélője egy rejtélyes kórnak, ami valamennyi embertársát vérszívó élőhalottá változtatta. Minimalista műfaji remekmű Vincent Price eksztatikus alakításával és modern élő halottakkal.


Mad Max 2: Az országúti harcos

Mad Max 2: Az országúti harcos 1981


A távoli jövőben csupán kis elszigetelt csoportok élnek a végtelen sivatagban. Túlélésüknek két feltétele van: az olaj, és hogy meg tudják védeni magukat a környéken cirkáló motoros rablóbandáktól. Max, a magányos hős vállalja, hogy megvédi az egyik közösség olajszállítmányát, mert ha segít biztonságos helyre eljuttatni a tartálykocsijukat, annyi benzint kap, hogy elhagyhatja ezt a poklot.


After Blue (Paradis sale)

After Blue (Paradis sale) 2021


Az After Blue bolygón kizárólag nők képesek életben maradni a növény- és állatvilággal való teljesen harmonikus kapcsolódásnak köszönhetően.


Momentary Lily

Momentary Lily 2025


Robotic invaders wiped out all life, but Renge fights to survive using her powers. With no memories, she roams the city until she meets five other young women, each with unique abilities. Together, they make the most of their lives, cooking delicious meals between battles with mechanical monstrosities. As they uncover the secrets of their powers and pasts, they find strength in their friendship.



DARLING in the FRANXX 2018


The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyouryuu, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head.



Jericho 2006


Jericho is an American action/drama series that centers on the residents of the fictional town of Jericho, Kansas, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the contiguous United States.


Tengoku Daimakyo

Tengoku Daimakyo 2023


In the year 2024, the world has collapsed. Grotesque monsters lurk amongst the ruins of Japan, while remaining people scrape together what they can to survive. Kiruko, an odd-job girl in Nakano, accepts a mysterious woman's dying wish to take a boy named Maru to a place called Heaven. Maru is convinced that there will be a boy there who looks exactly like him.


Synduality Noir

Synduality Noir 2023


The year is 2242. Kanata wants to be a Drifter and meets Noir, who is a dud Magus with no memories. However, because Noir excels in battle against the Enders, Kanata partners with her and discovers exactly what it takes to be a Drifter.


The Boat

The Boat 2011


A global cataclysm, caused by a fatal accident in Geneva (Switzerland) during the implementation of the particle accelerator will lead to the crew and students of the school-ship Polar Star to live the greatest adventure of their lives. Isolated and aware that we only have each other, the ship will become their only home.


Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal 2023


A motor-mouthed outsider with no memory of his past is offered a chance at a better life, but only if he can successfully deliver a mysterious package across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With the help of a badass axe-wielding car thief, he’ll face savage marauders driving vehicles of destruction and other dangers of the open road, including a deranged clown who drives an all too familiar ice cream truck.


Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy 2006


In a futuristic world almost barren of life, mankind is confined to mechanized domed cities where A.I.’s control all aspects of life. In this world, humans are no longer born, they are manufactured in a production line; and alongside them live androids known as autoreivs. Within one of these domed sanctuaries named Romdeau lives Re-l Mayer, one of a few citizens who aren’t entirely prevented from thinking. Her grandfather's prominent position and the affection of the scientist Daedalus have left her more free will than is normally allowed, but Re-l has started to question the sanctity of the city and the citizens' perfect way of life. With mysterious beings known as proxies causing havoc and a man named Vincent causing great influence on her life, Re-l must travel outside of the city to find the answers she seeks and discover the mystery behind "the awakening".


World's End Harem

World's End Harem 2022


The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love?


Black Knight

Black Knight 2023


In a dystopian 2071 devastated by air pollution, the survival of humanity depends on the Black Knights — and they’re far from your average delivery men.


Blast of Tempest

Blast of Tempest 2012


The Kusaribe family is a family of sorcerers under the protection of the ‘Tree of Origins.’ Their princess, Hakaze Kusaribe, was the greatest sorceress of their family. But Samon Kusaribe, a member of their family seeking to resurrect the ‘Tree of World's End,’ a tree that opposes the ‘Tree of Origins’ and controls the power of destruction, stuffs her into a barrel, and banishes her to a deserted island.


Ling Cage: Incarnation

Ling Cage: Incarnation 2019


In the near future, human inhabitants would have been crowded and congested. It was an urgency to stride out to the universe and find a new home. When everything was under progress in an orderly way, dramatic geological transformations erupted over the courses of decades. Human beings were raped by this disaster and hardly left anything. Until the nature gradually restored calm, people struggled to their feet from ruins and abysses, stepping again onto this familiar but strange earth. But for us people, dominating everything has been rooted into our blood. Are we still masters of this new world?


A.I.C.O. -Incarnation-

A.I.C.O. -Incarnation- 2018


In Japan in the year 2035, an accident known as the "Burst" occurs during a research project, spawning an out-of-control artificial life form called "Matter" that has spread throughout the Kurobe Gorge. The research city that was once hailed as the hope for humanity is cordoned off by the government. Two years later, 15-year-old Aiko Tachibana, who lost her family in the Burst, learns something unbelievable from Yuya Kanzaki, a new student at her school. A secret is hidden within her body, and the answer to the puzzle lies at the "Primary Point" that was the center of the Burst. Aiko resolves to infiltrate the restricted area, escorted by a team of divers and with Yuya as her guide. When boy meets girl with the fate of humanity in their hands, what new truth will come to light?



Arknights 2022


In the wake of unknown Catastrophes in the heart of Terra, a mineral of unimaginable power has been discovered. With it, society's technology has made huge leaps and bounds, but the substance causes a deadly incurable disease, leading to a worldwide enslavement of the infected. As a rebellion is now on the rise, a pharmaceutical company races for a cure to save humanity.


ATRI -My Dear Moments-

ATRI -My Dear Moments- 2024


In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and one of his legs in an accident some years earlier, returns disillusioned from a harsh life in the big city to find his old countryside home half-swallowed by the sea. Left without a family, all he has to his name is the ship and submarine left to him by his oceanologist grandmother, and her debts. His only hope to restore the dreams for the future that he has lost is to take up an opportunity presented to him by the suspicious debt collector Catherine. They set sail to search the sunken ruins of his grandmother's laboratory in order to find a treasure rumor says she left there. But what they find is not riches or jewels; it is a strange girl lying asleep in a coffin at the bottom of the sea, Atri. Atri is a robot, but her appearance and her wealth of emotions would fool anyone into thinking she's a living, breathing human being.


No. 6

No. 6 2011


In the near future, most of mankind now lives in a handful of city states. There, for the privileged elite, life should be perfect. But for young Sion, life has become a nightmare since letting a strange boy spend the night in his apartment. Banished to the outskirts of the city, Sion now finds himself in worse danger as his inquiry into a new series of mysterious deaths results in his being arrested on suspicion of murder! Now, on the run, the two young men have only one chance at survival.


The Big O

The Big O 1999


Forty years ago, the minds of Paradigm City's inhabitants were wiped clean of all recollections of the past. Now, ruled by a powerful corporation and cut off from the rest of the world by desolate wastelands, Paradigm has become a virtual police state where Negotiators like Roger Smith keep the wheels of progress, commerce, and society turning.


After War Gundam X

After War Gundam X 1996


Taking place 15 years after the 7th Space War, the surviving 98 million residents of Earth try to make a living as best they can in the post apocalyptic landscape. Mobile Suits and weapons left over from the war fall into the hands of civilians as well as other organizations on the planet. In an effort to keep the past from repeating itself, Jamil Neate brings together a crew of Vultures to search for Newtypes and protect them from being exploited. As they try to carry out this task, an old government rises from the ashes to try and unify the Earth as other forces slowly fan the flames of war once more between the newly formed New United Nations Earth and the Space Revolutionary Army. Now the crew of the Freeden face a multitude of enemies as they try to prevent another catastrophic war.


En Fin

En Fin 2024


After the Apocalypse doesn't happen, Tomas tries to recover his past life, with little success, while Julia sees in the Non-End of the World a second chance to change her life. Their paths, opposites, will have to converge in the only thing that unites them right now: their daughter Noa.


Getter Robo: Armageddon

Getter Robo: Armageddon 1998


Dr. Saotome returns from the dead after being seemingly murdered by Getter pilot Nagare Ryoma and threatens the world with his ultimate creation: the Shin Dragon. Ryoma reluctantly teams up with his former co-pilots Jin Hayato and Tomoe Mushashi to combat Dr. Saotome. The pilots must also deal with the mysterious Invaders, aliens that have the ability to possess humans and warp their flesh to form hideous creatures.