A szobalány

A szobalány 2016


A szobalány az 1930­as évek Koreájában játszódik, a japán megszállás éveiben. Egy pénzéhes szélhámos felbérel egy ifjú zsebtolvajnőt, hogy egy japán úrnő szobalányaként férkőzzön annak a bizalmába, így segítve, hogy a férfi megszerezze a nő pénzét. A különösen csavaros történetben a két gyönyörű nő fantáziái szépen lassan valóra válnak, és a szerelmi háromszög résztvevőinek választaniuk kell, ki mellé állnak az érdekektől hemzsegő harcban.


Szerencse és képzelet

Szerencse és képzelet 2021


Egy különös szerelmi háromszög története, amely akár csapda is lehetne, ehelyett három nő sorsa találkozik és pecsételődik meg.


Érted bármit

Érted bármit 2021


Rei már évek óta szerelmes egy nőbe, és most segít neki megszökni bántalmazó férjétől. Menekülés közben lángra lobbannak egymás iránti érzelmeik.


Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Az örökkévalóság és az emlékíró marionett

Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Az örökkévalóság és az emlékíró marionett 2019


Violet Evergarden, a háborúból visszatért volt katona, egy lányiskolában tanít, és megváltoztatja egy fiatal hölgy életét: A magányos fiatal lány rosszul érzi magát a lányiskolában, ahová jár, de minden megváltozik, amikor mentora, a fémkarú Violet ráveszi, hogy írjanak levelet a testvérének.


Egy lány az ajtóm előtt

Egy lány az ajtóm előtt 2014


Young-nam a rendőrtiszt-képző egyik legígéretesebb diákja volt, mégis egy kis tengerparti falucskában köt ki, ahol megismerkedik a szomorú tekintetű Dohee-val. Amikor a lány nagyanyja egy tragikus balesetben életét veszti, a nyomozónő úgy érzi, mindenáron meg kell védenie Dohee-t erőszakos apjától, de amikor a lány odaköltözik hozzá, jóval nagyobb rejtélyek kerülnek felszínre...


A sziget

A sziget 2010


Hae-won egy gyönyörű, egyedülálló, harmincas éveiben járó fiatal lány, aki egy bankban dolgozik Szöul belvárosában. Véletlenül tanúja lesz egy gyilkosságnak, s ezzel egyidőben munkahelyi problémák is megnehezítik életét. Amikor úgy érzi, a dolgok kezdenek kicsúszni kezéből, szabadságra megy Moodo szigetére, ahol meglátogatja nagyszüleit. Megdöbbenti egykori barátnője, Bok-nam sorsa, akit a férfiak játékszernek és rabszolgának tartanak, mivel csaknem ő az egyedüli fiatal nő a szigeten. Könyörög Hae-wonnak, hogy segítsen kijutnia a szigetről, de a lány nem akar belefolyni Bok-nam dolgaiba. Miután Bok-nam érzékeli, hogy lányára is hasonló jövő vár, mint rá, kezébe veszi sorsát és megpróbál elillanni a szigetlakók elől.


Jó, rossz, meg ami közte van

Jó, rossz, meg ami közte van 2004


Mikor a 48 éves, csinos özvegy, Hwei-Lan Gao bejelenti, hogy terhes, apja - akitől a szülői megértésnél semmi sem áll távolabb - csaknem kitagadja lányát. Nem is engedi haza, amíg Hwei-Lan be nem tudja bizonyítani, hogy a szeplőtelen fogantatás létezik? vagy azonnal férjhez nem megy. Így a késői kismama csak Wiltől, a már felnőtt lányától kérhet segítséget. A menő manhattani orvosnő azonban nem repes az örömtől, hiszen anyja helyett inkább új szeretőjét, Vivet látná szívesen lakótársként otthonában. Azért Wil megteszi, amit egy engedelmes leánygyermeknek tennie kell: felkutatja a város partiképes, facér urait, és randit szervez nekik a várandós Hwei-Lannal.


Yes or No

Yes or No 2010


Pie egy kedves, rendes lány, aki új szobába költözik a főiskolán. Szobatársa Kim, egy TomBoy, olyan lány, aki fiúnak néz ki, és úgy is öltözködik. Ahogy szépen lassan viszonyuk barátsággá alakul, ki kell deríteniük, hogy az érzés, amit egymás iránt éreznek az valóban barátság, vagy az igaz szerelem



Agyember 2013


Felrobbantanak egy buszt, de a rendőrök hamar elkapnak egy igencsak fura gyanúsítottat. Az amerikai krimik ilyenkor szoktak véget érni, de a japánok csak ilyenkor kezdődnek igazán, a pszichiáternek köszönhetően ugyanis durva, kegyetlen, kőkemény moralizálás veszi kezdetét, miközben a gyengék elhullanak. A pszichológus, aki értékeli a titokzatos férfit, Dr. Mariko felveti a hipotézist – " lehetséges, hogy érzelmek nélkül született?”



Pókliliomok 2007


Jade egy fiatal webcam-lány, aki az interneten keres pénzt azzal, hogy férfiakkal beszélget és vetkőzik nekik. Valójában egy tetoválást keres, amit gyermekkori szerelme karján látott. Egy nap betéved egy tetoválószalonba, ahol megpillantja Takakot, és a lány karján a tetoválást, ami egy pókliliomot ábrázol. Jade rájön, hogy Takako az a lány, akibe kiskorában szerelmes volt, ám Takako eleinte ezt tagadja, és még Jade kérésére sem tetoválja rá a lányra a liliomot.


Fragrance of the First Flower

Fragrance of the First Flower 2021


Yi-Ming, whose husband works outside of town, lives alone with her son. After years apart, she reconnects with Ting-Ting at a wedding, a girl she was intimate with back in high school. The encounter with Ting-Ting not only sets Yi-Ming free from her oppressive marriage, but also reawakens her feelings for Ting-Ting. Now that Taiwan has finally legalized same-sex marriage, will Yi-Ming have the courage to change her life?


The Last Time

The Last Time 2025


Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the nephew of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers.



Us 2025


Eighteen-year-old Dokrak decides to take a gap year to find herself after finishing high school. She has a part-time job at a coworking space coffee shop, Cuf & Co. It's here that she crosses paths with twenty-two-year-old dentistry student Pam who 's a regular at the café to hit the books. As she gets to know Pam, Dokrak develops a crush. When her brother, however, meets Pam, he falls for her at first sight. Kawi turns to Dokrak, asking her to play matchmaker. Because she loves him and wants to see him happy, Dokrak begins coaching him. As time goes on, however, she finds herself unable to ignore her growing feelings for Pam. Before she knows it, she's fully in love and Pam is Kawi's girlfriend.


I'm Your Moon

I'm Your Moon 2025


In the Buddhist year 2456 (1913), social rank and tradition bars the love between two princesses. Her Serene Highness Princess Phiangrawi and Her Serene Highness Princess Sasinapha are like sun and moon; they may never exist side by side. Nevertheless, their unfulfilled love and heart's wishes weave them a path back to each other. By the Buddhist year 2564 (2021), a new era has dawned when they fall back into one another's orbits. Katsakorn and Athitthan happen to meet and love blossoms in their hearts once more. The path to love, however, is never easy. The two must join hands to fight for it. Even without the veil of tradition barring them, the treacherous tale from the past still has a hold on their present.


Reset to Remember

Reset to Remember 2025


Pure, the owner of a floating resort, stumbles upon an unconscious young woman on the roadside. Pure names her MaMa and offers her a temporary place to stay, with the hope that she will eventually recall her past. Their bond slowly deepens amidst the peace and simplicity of nature and a simple life. As MaMa's memories begin to return, she discovers a truth that could alter everything. What path will she choose when she is torn between the past and her feelings for Pure?


Happy Sugar Life

Happy Sugar Life 2018


Satou Matsuzaka, a girl who has never loved anyone before, falls in love with a girl named Shio Koube. The two girls are drawn to each other, and begin a happy life together. Satou won't let anyone endanger their new life, and would do anything for love, even if it means threatening, confining, or killing someone.



Kakegurui 2018


Children from influential families in politics and businesses attend the Hyakkaou Private Academy. There, the hierarchy of the students are classified by a series of games. Students that win the games are on the ruling side and the students who lose become slaves. One day, a mysterious girl, Yumeko Jabami (Minami Hamabe), is transferred to Hyakkaou Private Academy. She looks pure and pretty, but she is actually a compulsive gambler and seeks out the thrill of taking calculated risks.



Kakegurui 2017


Hyakkaou Private Academy. An institution for the privileged with a very peculiar curriculum. You see, when you're the sons and daughters of the wealthiest of the wealthy, it's not athletic prowess or book smarts that keep you ahead. It's reading your opponent, the art of the deal. What better way to hone those skills than with a rigorous curriculum of gambling? At Hyakkaou Private Academy, the winners live like kings, and the losers are put through the wringer. But when Yumeko Jabami enrolls, she's gonna teach these kids what a high roller really looks like!


YuruYuri: Happy Go Lily

YuruYuri: Happy Go Lily 2011


On her first day attending the all-girls Nanamori Middle School in Takaoka, Toyama Akaza Akari oversleeps, to be awakened by her one-year-senior childhood friends: the level-headed Funami Yui and the often self-centered Toshinou Kyouko. Planning on exciting club activities at school, Akari joins the club her older friends have set up. But as it turns out Kyouko and Yui simply took over the former room of the now defunct tea ceremony club for their own Amusement Club. In regard to what the club does, Kyouko explains: "We just hang out and do whatever we want!" This is not exactly what the helpful and energetic Akari had hoped for. Surprisingly a few days later Yoshikawa Chinatsu joins the club even though she mistook it for the former tea ceremony club. And so the four fun-loving girls could enjoy spending their spare time at the club were it not for the student council, in person of vice president Sugiura Ayano, who does her very best to shut down this unauthorized club.



Citrus 2018


Yuzu, a high school gyaru who hasn't experienced her first love yet, transfers to an all-girls school after her mother remarries. She's beyond upset that she can't land a boyfriend at her new school. Then, on her first day, she meets the beautiful black-haired student council president Mei in the worst way possible. What's more, she later finds out that Mei is her new step-sister, and they'll be living under the same roof! And so the love affair between two polar opposite high school girls who find themselves drawn to one another begins!


Riddle Story of Devil

Riddle Story of Devil 2014


The "Class Black," 10th Grade of Myōjō Academy is composed of 12 assassins disguised as students and one target: Haru Ichinose. Fully aware of being the prey, Ichinose vows to survive assassination attempts and graduate from the school alive. One of the assassins, Tokaku Azuma, has started building up feelings for Ichinose and switched side to become her protector. Together they have to face the onslaught from their classmates of 11 assassins.


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury 2022


A. S. (Ad Stella) 122 ― An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. Suletta Mercury, a lone girl from the remote planet Mercury, transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry.


Friendly Rivalry

Friendly Rivalry 2025


A high-teen mystery thriller about a close relationship between teenage girls in a harsher survival competition than entrance examinations.





Determined to climb up the social ladder, Mary Saotome invests everything she has into what her elite high school values most: high stakes gambling.


Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story

Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story 2020


Few people know the truth: the world is safe thanks to the Magical Girls who are forced to slay Witches. Even though these girls are putting their lives on the line for a wish, rumors say they can be saved in Kamihama City. That’s where Iroha Tamaki is headed in search of answers; she can’t remember the wish she made to Kyubey.


Bloom Into You

Bloom Into You 2018


Yuu has always loved shoujo manga and awaits the day she gets a love confession that sends her heart aflutter with bubbles and hearts, and yet when a junior high classmate confesses his feelings to her…she feels nothing. Disappointed and confused, Yuu enters high school still unsure how to respond. That’s when Yuu sees the beautiful student council president Nanami turn down a suitor with such maturity that she’s inspired to ask her for help. But when the next person to confess to Yuu is Nanami herself, has her shoujo romance finally begun?


Gushing Over Magical Girls

Gushing Over Magical Girls 2024


Hiragi Utena is a major fangirl of the magical girls protecting her city and leaps at the chance to join their ranks. But once she transforms, she learns she's a villain who enjoys being a magical-girl-tormenting sadist instead!


Vampire in the Garden

Vampire in the Garden 2022


A vampire queen and a human girl join forces against all odds in search of “paradise” — a place where humans and vampires peacefully coexist.


Revue Starlight

Revue Starlight 2018


Starlight is a play loved throughout the world. Karen and Hikari make a promise with each other when they're young that one day they'll stand on that stage together. Time passes, and now the girls are 16 years old. Karen is very enthusiastic about the lessons she takes every day, holding her promise close to her heart. Hikari has transferred schools and is now away from Karen. But the cogs of fate turn, and the two are destined to meet again. The girls and other Stage Girls will compete in a mysterious audition process to gain acceptance into the revue.