Csupasz pisztoly 33 1/3 - Az utolsó merénylet

Csupasz pisztoly 33 1/3 - Az utolsó merénylet 1994


A nyugdíjas életet nem Drebin hadnagynak találták ki. Ráadásul nincs nyugta, a felesége, Jane gyereket szeretne, a régi kollégái meg állandóan munkával zaklatják. Vérbeli zsaru lévén Drebin képtelen ellenállni a kísértésnek. Különösen, amikor megtudja, hogy egy nehézfiú bombamerényletet készül végrehajtani a filmvilág ünnepén, az Oscar-díjátadó gálán. A titkos akció keretében Drebint rosszfiúnak álcázzák, és bevonul a börtönbe, ahol a híres gengszter, Rocco cellatársa lesz. Feladata, hogy a bizalmába férkőzzön, és minél többet megtudjon a fickó legújabb tervéről.


Csak szexre kellesz

Csak szexre kellesz 2011


Emma és Adam ősrégi barátok. Majdnem mindent elrontanak azzal, hogy lefekszenek egymással. A barátságuk megóvása érdekében megállapodnak, hogy kapcsolatuk kötöttségek nélküli. Nincs féltékenység, nincsenek elvárások, nincs veszekedés, nincs virág, nincs gyereksírás. Azt tesznek, amit akarnak, amikor akarják, ahol akarják, de egymásba szeretniük nem szabad. De jönnek a kérdések. Lehet úgy szexelni, hogy nem lesz szerelem? És vajon nem megy erre rá a barátságuk?



Koszorúslányok 2011


Annie élete egy nagy káosz. Ám amikor megtudja, hogy legjobb barátnőjét eljegyezték, muszáj, hogy ő legyen Lillian koszorúslánya. Bár se pasija, se pénze, Annie átblöfföli magát a drága és bizarr rituálékon. Egy esélye van, hogy minden tökéletes legyen, és megmutassa Lilliannek és a többi koszorúslánynak, mire képes valaki azért, akit szeret.


Beavis és Butt-Head lenyomja Amerikát

Beavis és Butt-Head lenyomja Amerikát 1996


Ha az MTV-n felhangzott az összetéveszthetetlenül kretén nevetés, és felbukkant a két csúnya rajzfigura, a nézők egyik fele kirohant a világból, a másik fele pedig rácuppant a képernyőre. Akár csípjük őket, akár kikészülünk tőlük, az vitathatatlan, hogy Beavis és Butt-head már több generáció számára sztárokká nőtte ki magát. Most túladagolhatjuk magunkat a századvég legnépszerűbb rajzfilmfiguráinak eszement kalandjaiból...



Kamatylista 2013


1993-at írunk, Brandy Klark (Aubrey Plaza) egyetemre készül. A bökkenő csak az, hogy ő nem igazán az a sokat tapasztalt típusú diák, akinek esélye lehet bármiféle népszerűségre a campuson. A stréberlétet levetkőzve Brandy összeállít egy listát azokról a dolgokról, melyeket kihagyott a gimis időszak alatt, és amelyek kipipálásával már teljesen felkészülten várhatná az egyetem falai közti izgalmas életet. A lista elkészül, ám a lány rájön, túl nagy fába vágta a fejszéjét, ezért segítségül hívja két legjobb barátját, valamint nővérét és kissé kiégett főnökét is, hogy lássák őt el megfelelő tanácsokkal. Ám Brandy még a hozzá legközelebb állók féltő irányítása mellett sem képes előre látni bizonyos dolgokat: például, hogy az érzelmeket nem könnyű a lista margóján tartani.



Up! 1976



Folytassák, lányok!

Folytassák, lányok! 1973


Sidney Fiddler elhatározza, hogy felvirágoztatja szíve hölgyének kis tengerparti hotelját. A forgalmat növelendő, szépségversenyt hirdet. Az álmos kis hotelt, ahol eddig csak elaggott ezredesek, ötórai teázó vénkisasszonyok laktak, most megszállják a csinosabbnál csinosabb és meglehetősen kevés ruházattal ellátott fiatal lányok. Mrs. Prodworthy, a "Nők Felszabadításáért Küzdő Nők" helyi egyesületének elnöknője viszont minden erővel meg akarja akadályozni ezt a kiváló tervet.


Folytassa külföldön!

Folytassa külföldön! 1972


Furcsa társaság érkezik egy hosszú hétvége kellemes eltöltésére a Hells Bells szállodába. Van közöttük unalmas életet élő házaspár, hormontúltengéstől szenvedő férj, férfifogásra szakosodott fiatal lányok, agglegény és papok. A szálloda talán még a társaságnál is meglepőbb. Félkész állapotban van, gyakorlatilag semmi sem működik benne. Egyetlen szakácsnő van, a recepciós és az igazgató ugyanaz az ember. Ebben a szituációban számos kacagtató kalandban van részük: féltékenység, hódítás, szenvedély, verekedés, börtön, szerelmi bájital, egyszóval mindenfélében részük van. A végére pedig az idegenek barátokká válnak.


Folytassa az ásatást!

Folytassa az ásatást! 1975


Roland Crump professzor a római kor elismert archeológusa. Mindent megadna egy légionárius kopott sisakjáért, a vándorbotjáról már nem is beszélve. Még egy kempingben is képes ásatásokat kezdeményezni, egyáltalán nem zavarja a turisták népes siserehada. Az orosz kolléganő, akit a kulturális fejlődés előmozdítása érdekében varrtak a nyakába, annál inkább.


Folytassa a szerelmet!

Folytassa a szerelmet! 1970


Sidney Bliss, feleségével együtt egy házasságközvetítő iroda tulajdonosa. Kapcsolatuk, tízéves házasság után korántsem felhőtlen. Egy szexre, szerelemre éhes boldogtalan fiatalember téved be hozzájuk, akinek a féltékeny feleség, férje szeretőjének címét adja át. Ugyancsak a páciensek közé tartozik majd a történet folyamán egy fotómodell, egy bírkozó és egy házassági tanácsadó, valamint annak szerelmes házvezetőnője is.


Arrested Development

Arrested Development 2003


The story of a wealthy family that lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.


Celebrity Juice

Celebrity Juice 2008


The outrageous comedy panel show hosted by the irrepressible Keith Lemon. Each episode sees top celebrities going head to head in a series of hilarious rounds unlike any other panel show.


No Angels

No Angels 2004


No Angels is a critically acclaimed British television comedy drama series, produced by the independent production company World Productions for Channel 4, which ran for three series from 2004 to 2006. It was devised by Toby Whithouse.


O Maidens in Your Savage Season

O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2019


The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls blurts out, "Sex." Little do they know, the whirlwind unleashed by that word pushes each of these girls, with different backgrounds and personalities, onto their own clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths toward adulthood.


Crazy Over His Fingers: Just the Two of Us in a Salon After Closing

Crazy Over His Fingers: Just the Two of Us in a Salon After Closing 2020


Fumi works as an assistant at a popular salon in the city and is aiming to become a hairdresser. She receives strict guidance from Sousuke, the salon's charismatic hairdresser and manager. Every time he touches Fumi, she becomes agitated. One day after the salon closed, Fumi stands in as Sousuke's practice partner at the shampoo station. As he touches her and sprinkles her with water, she becomes angry again! Or so the thought...could she actually be attracted to him? Sousuke flashes an evil smile as he senses Fumi's heart, and his fingertips start to stroke every corner of her body...Fumi cannot refuse his fingers anymore.



Shameless 2004


The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.


Anger Management

Anger Management 2012


Charlie is a non-traditional therapist specializing in anger management. He has a successful private practice and he performs pro bono counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. Prior to his career as a therapist, he was a major league baseball player whose career was put on the shelf for good by his own struggle with anger issues.


Please Tell Me! Galko-chan

Please Tell Me! Galko-chan 2016


Three high school girls with different perspectives discuss the kinds of secrets you can't tell boys.


Eromanga Sensei

Eromanga Sensei 2017


This "sibling romantic comedy" revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune's little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn't left her room for an entire year. She even forces her brother to make and bring her meals when she stomps the floor. Masamune wants his sister to leave her room, because the two of them are each other's only family. Masamune's novel illustrator, pen name "Eromanga," draws extremely perverted drawings, and is very reliable. Masamune had never met his illustrator, and figured he was just a disgusting, perverted otaku. However, the truth is revealed… that his "Eromanga-sensei" is his own younger sister! To add to the chaos that erupts between the siblings, a beautiful, female, best-selling shoujo manga creator becomes their rival!


Is This a Zombie?

Is This a Zombie? 2011


Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.


3 Seconds Later, He Turned into a Beast

3 Seconds Later, He Turned into a Beast 2022


Tsumugi is a female college student who carries trauma from an aggressive man in her past. She meets Kaname at a mixer she requested specifically for unaggressive "herbivore"-type men. She and Kaname hit it off, and Kaname resembles Tsumugi's older brother a little bit, so she relaxes her guard around him. Kaname, however, feigns to be a "herbivore"-type man, but is in reality an aggressive "carnivore"-type man, and he can change his demeanor in an instant.


Ao-chan Can't Study!

Ao-chan Can't Study! 2019


Ao Horie’s father, a popular erotic fiction author, chose Ao’s name because A stands for “apple” and O stands for “orgy”! Desperate to escape her father’s legacy and get into a prestigious university, Ao devotes herself to studying instead of pursuing romance. She has no time for boys, but there’s just one problem: Kijima, her handsome and popular classmate, just confessed his love to her! And to make matters worse, she can’t stop thinking dirty thoughts about him! Looks like escaping her father’s influence will be harder than she thought…


The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. 2004


Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.


SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist

SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist 2015


Sixteen years after the "Law for Public Order and Morals in Healthy Child-Raising" banned coarse language in the country, Tanukichi Okuma enrolls in the country's leading elite public morals school and is soon invited into the Anti-Societal Organization (SOX) by its founder, Ayame Kajou. As a member blackmailed into joining by Ayame, Tanukichi ends up taking part in obscene acts of terrorism against the talented student council president Anna (for whom Tanukichi has a crush on).



Eve 2003


Eve is an American sitcom starring Eve, Jason Winston George, Ali Landry, Natalie Desselle-Reid, Brian Hooks and Sean Maguire. It aired on the UPN network from September 15, 2003 to May 11, 2006, with 66 episodes produced spanning 3 seasons. The series follows Shelly, a beautiful and intelligent woman of the new generation trying to navigate the exhilarating world of 21st century love, romance and career. The series was nominated in 2004 for Teen Choice Award for Choice Breakout TV Show and had seven nominations in major awards.


The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners 2008


Those who remember the awkward years of adolescence can relive those painful days in this British comedy series, where the cringe-inducing humor arises from the ill-fated antics of its four protagonists. Suburban teenage friends Will, Simon, Jay and Neil, students at Rudge Park Comprehensive, attempt to navigate the social scene, attract members of the gentler sex, and saunter among the cool crowd. However, despite their best efforts, the four hapless lads usually end up on the side of the nerds.



Pets 2001


Pets is an adult British puppet sitcom, produced by Fit2Fill Productions Limited. It was originally aired on Channel 4 and ran for two series, the first being broadcast in 2001, and the second in 2002. It was also sold to Fox in Australia, MTV in Italy, and the Middle East. The series was created and written by Andrew Barclay and Brian West, who had previously worked together at the Edinburgh Festival, winning an award for an advert for The Jerry Springer Show, and on the sketch show We Know Where You Live. A total of 26 episodes of Pets were aired, all approximately 11 minutes long. They were shown in the early hours of the morning, and as a result, the series was fairly unknown, although it did gain a significant cult following. There was a demand on the official website for Pets to be released on DVD. Eventually a limited edition DVD was made available to purchase via the official website. As well as the two series, the DVD included two unbroadcast episodes, a clip show named "The Trials Of Hamish", and a behind-the-scenes special named "The Making Of Pets". Several episodes of Pets are currently available as a free podcast downloadable via iTunes. In 2010, a similar show named Mongrels aired on BBC3, sparking controversy between the two. The casts of characters in those two shows are almost similar as well, although Pets had four main characters while Mongrels had five. Also, Mongrels' range of locations is more diverse, while Pets is confined to a single flat.


Senryu Girl

Senryu Girl 2019


At first glance Yukishiro Nanako seems like a normal high school girl, but she has a notable eccentricity: instead of speaking, she communicates only through written senryu poetry! This means she expresses herself only in 5-7-5 syllables. To most this might seem like an inconvenience, but for Nanako and her ex-delinquent bestie, Busujima Eiji, it adds to the experience of their high school lives as they run the Literature Club.


Dojin Work

Dojin Work 2007


Doujin Work follows the life of a young girl named Najimi Osana and her exposure into the doujin world. She was first tempted into becoming a doujin artist after seeing how much one of her friends can make at a convention. Najimi loves to draw, though soon learns contrary to what she expected that this new world is anything but easy. As she attends more conventions and meets more people, Najimi eventually manages to find a group of very interesting friends. These friends already have some experience in the field and help her out along the way so that she can someday make a name for herself creating doujinshi.