A mentőakció

A mentőakció 2021


2018-ban tizenkét fiú és edzőjük egy barlangban rekedt Thaiföldön. Megmentésükre számos szakember indult, a mentőakciót pedig az egész világ feszülten követte.


A feltáruló igazság

A feltáruló igazság 2021


Egy testvérpár furcsa lyukat talál nagyszüleik házában. Minél jobban vizsgálják, és minél mélyebbre ásnak, annál sötétebb és aggasztóbb titkok kerülnek a felszínre.


Boonmee bácsi, aki képes visszaemlékezni korábbi életeire

Boonmee bácsi, aki képes visszaemlékezni korábbi életeire 2010


A súlyos beteg Boonmee bácsi szerettei körében szeretné eltölteni utolsó napjait egy csendes vidéki házban, ahol felesége szelleme is meglátogatja, valamint rég elveszettnek hitt fia is tiszteletét teszi, igaz, nem emberi alakban. Betegségének okait kutatva Boonmee a családjával indul át a dzsungelen első élete szülőhelyére, egy titokzatos barlangba.


Mesterséges érzelem

Mesterséges érzelem 2022


Egy modern szerelmes történet, ami a közeljövőben játszódik egy mesterséges intelligencia által irányított épületben, amit az emberi érzelmek táplálnak energiával. Egy szoftverhiba miatt ez a mesterséges intelligencia beleszeret egy élő lányba, ezért egy élő férfi testébe szökik, hogy elnyerje a lány szerelmét.



36 2012



Take Me Home

Take Me Home 2016


Miután Tan elveszítette az emlékezetét egy baleset következtében, megpróbálja felkutatni múltját és személyazonosságát, kutatás közben megtalálja szeretteit, de ahogy egyre jobban megismeri őket, annál jobban fél saját "családjától".


Az utolsó nyár

Az utolsó nyár 2013


A magukat felnőttnek képzelő tinédzserek első dolga az szokott lenni, hogy átveszik az "ősök" rossz szokásait. Így van ez mindenfelé a világban. Singha sem óhajt kimaradni a sorból, ezért meglovasítja a fater kocsiját és a barátaival, no meg jókora adag piával, elhúznak bulizni a tengerpartra.Eleinte minden a terv szerint megy, ám az egyik berúgott lány, Joy, igen furcsa állapotban tér magához. Különösen viselkedik és a frászt hozza a többiekre. A haverok megpróbálják visszahozni a régi énjét, de sokkal nehezebb az ügy, mint az gondolják. Hamarosan rá kell ébredniük, hogy a feladatnak túlvilági akadálya van. Ráadásul a szellemnek van oka neheztelni rájuk....


MasterChef Thailand

MasterChef Thailand 2017


Thai version of the competitive cooking reality show, based on the original British series of MasterChef, open to amateur and home chefs.


Treasures of the Heart

Treasures of the Heart 2025


The great gold heist seemed like the final chapter… but it was only the beginning of an intense clash between a wandering master and a sorcerous thief!


Private Operation

Private Operation 2025


A detective series… 8 cases inspired by real-life events in society. Follow an investigative team driven by ideals and the relentless spirit of "hunting dogs" as they unravel schemes and track down criminals with thrilling precision!


Krong Karawek

Krong Karawek 2025


When the “family diamond machine ” disappeared like a puzzle Causing one family to face serious allegations that it is “the thief ” the only way to recover dignity and find the truth Is to reveal the mystery of “the Wakefield House ” that is full of secrets and clues waiting to solve the mystery.


Good Heavens! I'm a Goose Not a Swan

Good Heavens! I'm a Goose Not a Swan 2025


Nitra, a rising actress, is transported to the reign of King Rama III, where she becomes a courtesan. Amidst struggles to survive, solve a murder mystery, and escape being sold into prostitution, she must also face Luang Thukkharat, a nobleman linked to her mother’s death, while battling growing feelings for him.


Love and Scandal

Love and Scandal 2024


Urajawasi has a perfect life with her boyfriend Rames until her cousin Inthu-orn comes to her with a vengeful heart. Inthu-orn is fabricated that Urajawasi’s family involves in her mother’s death, so she spreads scandals while pretending to be a good person. However, Urajawasi is not an innocent woman. She sees through Inthu-orn's mask. Will the conflict between them be solved or will the real mastermind behind their misunderstanding be smiling behind the curtain?


Pen Tor

Pen Tor 2004


A successful man at a publishing company tries to rekindle his romance with an ex-girlfriend as those around him also search for love amidst conflict.


Bangkok Breaking

Bangkok Breaking 2021


The six-episode series is centered around the wild world of Bangkok's road rescue services and Wanchai who is newly arrived in Bangkok and must unravel a city-wide conspiracy alongside a young, upstart journalist.


The Yarn

The Yarn 2025


The Yarns tells the story of a serial killer who leaves no traces, only strange knitted yarns placed on the victims. Inspector Pilanthorn partners with Sky, an autistic woman with an extraordinary ability to decode complex patterns, to uncover the meaning behind the yarns and stop the killer before the next murder takes place.


Faceless Love

Faceless Love 2023


Veekit is a stoic young CEO with prosopagnosia or "face blindness," meaning he can't distinguish people's faces. For this reason, he decides to hire an assistant to help him connect with the rest of the world. Mirin becomes the girl responsible for that. Will it be possible to have a relationship beyond employer and employee?


Ai Num Rot Thai

Ai Num Rot Thai 2025


Khaen is an Isan man born and raised in Bangkok. He dreams of living a comfortable life, but when he loses all his money to failed investments in the digital market, he decides to go back and receive his inheritance from Grandpa Khloi, his last remaining relative. However, it turns out the inheritance he receives is a large debt.


House of Flames

House of Flames 2025


Khun Luang Prasit, master of the Sila Khram estate, has five wives and a chaotic household. His first wife, Pailin, has a beloved daughter, Kaewta, while his other wives—Deuan, Prim, Im, and Poom—each bring their own dynamics. As the family's wealth grows, so do rivalry and power struggles, leading to a mysterious fire and deaths. Amid the chaos, only one person knows the truth. Uncover the secrets, the real culprit, and the hidden mysteries of Sila Khram in this gripping drama!


You Are My Makeup Artist

You Are My Makeup Artist 2022


After a celebrity discovers her wealthy fiancé has been unfaithful, she has a drunken one-night stand with her makeup artist and risks her reputation.


Twin Swap

Twin Swap 2025


Phleng, a top singer from a failing record label is sidelined after an unexpected attack, leaving him unable to perform. To keep the label afloat, his younger twin, Phayak, a tone-deaf boxer, must step into the spotlight. Can this unlikely switch save the label and restore its glory?



Dhevaprom 2024


Dhevaprom is a Thai lakorn based on the novel of the same name and written by the same writers as its preceding story ... The Five Brothers series, that aired in 2013. Dhevaprom consists of Laorchan, Kwanruetai, Jaiphisut, Dujapsorn and Porncheewan.


The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense 2012


This is a story about a group of spirit mediums that help relay messages from the other side to help others.


The Deception Game

The Deception Game 2024


The rivalry between two famous actresses begins when the seemingly perfect married life of Phatchanin turns into a bitter pill. Ingdao seeks revenge, aiming to shatter Phatchanin’s life over an old grudge. But the game doesn’t involve only them—an ambitious businessman with his own vendetta enters the scene, stirring emotions and complicating the stakes, along with a resilient girl nearly led astray by a revenge she didn’t cause. In the end, who will win this game of deception?


Love Destiny

Love Destiny 2018


In the past, the cruel and selfish Karakade was betrothed to Date, a man who despises her wickedness and prefers a kinder woman. In a fit of jealousy, Karakade tries to kill her rival, but a servant dies instead. While Karakade is suspected, her murderous intentions can’t be confirmed. So Date and his dad perform a sacred ritual to punish the killer. At this pivotal moment, Karakade dies and her spirit is replaced by Kadesurang's.


Waves of Life

Waves of Life 2017


Jeerawat is a hardworking woman, who is a famous model and actress. Her mother married a smarmy but rich man, who secretly lusts after her. After he attempts to drug Jeerawat, she manages to escape by driving away. Unfortunately, she hits a young woman in the road, who later dies at the hospital. The dead young woman has a fiancee, Sathit, who happens to be a lawyer. He vows revenge on the female driver who killed his beloved fiancee. Unfortunately, Jeerawat's stepfather and mother use their influence and money to hide and hush all evidence. Sathit decides to stalk and bother her to find the evidence that she's an evil and manipulative temptress. But in the end, he finds out she's actually a good and kind person, despite her lowly beginnings, and gradually falls in love with her.