Mapping the World

Mapping the World 1990


Then complex world of geopolitics broken down into ten minute, bite-sized chunks. You'll never sound uninformed at the dinner table ever again.



TAPE 2018


TAPE is the program that rewinds a certain history of music in 3 minutes flat, and tells neophyte ears anecdotes from specialists, sometimes funny, absurd, but always essential. This little extra information that will allow you to shine in society without having read the entire rock dictionary.


50 Nuances de Grecs

50 Nuances de Grecs 2018


Myths are not dead: they are among us! With his mischievous eye and the art of diversion which is the trademark of "Flint and the city" and his cult comic strip "The Planet of the Wise", Jul revisits in 50 shades of Greeks the mythological heritage by humor and lag, in thirty episodes.


The Darwinners

The Darwinners 2012


We are 40,000 BC ... The planet seems to obey the laws of natural selection. Any? No: a valley still holds to evolution!


Venus & Apollo

Venus & Apollo 2005


The Venus Beauty Institute is opening up once more for our very great pleasure and well-being. New management, new staff and new clients. Also Venus now welcomes Apollo into her temple. Let’s make an appointment! In the snug, scented universe of the treatment rooms, confidences are exchanged, whispered or yelled while, outside, clouds and seasons pass by, carrying off with them crumbs of life. A comedy in pink and blue! Laughter, tears, intimate secrets and emotions mingle with the odour of hot wax, foutain-of-youth creams and other paraphernalia.


H24: 24 Hours, 24 Women, 24 Stories

H24: 24 Hours, 24 Women, 24 Stories 2021


Twenty-four short films by 24 female writers, performed by 24 women actors, all based on women’s real life experiences of sexism, harassment, and violence. A diversity of female voices and talent from across Europe come together for a series that tackles head-on the everyday brutality experienced by women.


The Great Myths

The Great Myths 2016


Based on original animation and selected iconographies throughout art history, this series of twenty episodes tells the Greek myths. An all-picture creation, which features the fascinating destinies of gods, heroes, and great figures of mythology.


De Gaulle at the Beach

De Gaulle at the Beach 2020


Summer 1958… Wearied by the ingratitude of the French and by the mediocrity of their leaders, the Liberator of France decides to go on a well-deserved holiday… Charles, rather dreamy but imperturbable, is accompanied by the ever faithful Captain Lebornec. Lebornec – devoted if sometimes flummoxed by the general’s attitude – is the ideal holiday companion and confidant. They are accompanied by Charles’ wife Yvonne, his son, and Wehrmacht, a descendant of Hitler’s dog.


No Man's Land

No Man's Land 2020


Dive into the depths of the Syrian civil war through the eyes of Antoine, a young French man, in search for his estranged, presumed to be dead sister. While unraveling the mystery, piece by piece, Antoine’s journey crosses paths with adventurers and anarchists, spies and innocent victims, and provides a unique look on the tragic events in Syria, and the way they affect the entire world.