Steve Mirkovich Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th Pasija Petak 13. - 8 dio : Jason na Manhattanu Darkness Falls 16 Blocks The Ghost and the Darkness Znam što si radila prošlog ljeta Godsend One Missed Call Velika gužva u Kineskoj četvrti Broken Arrow Prince of Darkness 6 Souls Odmazda Death Before Dishonor Jackals Jackals A Gift from Heaven A Gift from Heaven Necessary Roughness Escape Room 2: Bez izlaza Spellbinder Obdukcija Jane Doe The Dyatlov Pass Incident Deadly Illusion Alien Abduction Stalkers The Price She Paid The Double Cool World Red Sky Valentine D-Tox Con Air House at the End of the Street Hardcore Henry Uskrsnuće Krug 3 Hooper Prince of Central Park Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze Fire in the Sky Astronautova žena Escape Room The Inheritance Theodore Rex 5 Weddings Znam što si radila prošlog ljeta Bijesan Lassie Utrka Cannonball The River Rat Tempest Smokey i Bandit 2