John Stockwell Top Gun Christine Losin' It Heckler Radioactive Dreams My Science Project Dangerously Close The Nurse Born to Ride Billionaire Boys Club The Eyes of the Panther Quarterback Princess Breaking the Girls Nixon Christine: Ignition Christine: Fast and Furious Christine: Finish Line I Shot a Man in Vegas Eddie and the Cruisers City Limits Breast Men Hart to Hart: Crimes of the Hart Miliardi So Fine Cheaters Legal Deceit Stag Aurora: Operation Intercept Crazy/Beautiful Opasno plavetnilo Blue Crush Blue Crush Rock Star Turistas Kid Cannabis Cheaters Cheaters Middle of Nowhere Cat Run Under Cover Dark Tide Napad na Osamu bin Ladena Kid Cannabis Under Cover In the Blood Turistas Cat Run 2 Breast Men Kickboxer: Vengeance Countdown Middle of Nowhere Armed Response Dangerously Close Friday the 13th: The Series The L Word Nightmare Classics North and South Billionaire Boys Club Relativity Relativity