Betsy Heimann Psi iz rezervoara Pakleni šund Korak do slave Nebo boje vanilije Red Dragon Gas do daske 3 Putnik Događaj Funny People Wish I Was Here 2 Days in the Valley Lady in the Water Broken City Elvira: Mistress of the Dark The Adventures of Huck Finn Marlowe Sve je cool Gola istina Uhvatite maloga Switchback Surrender The Tie That Binds Heretik Muškarac u kući Art School Confidential Opasna šifra Simon Birch Šetnja među grobovima A-Team Jerry Maguire That's Amore! One Against the Wind Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael This Girl For Hire Daleko od očiju One Good Cop The Pee-wee Herman Show The Pee-wee Herman Show Zelena knjiga: vodič za život Anywhere but Here Sutrašnji rat Daj mi sebe U tuđoj koži The Naked Gun