
Krug 2002


Rachel Keller istraživačka je novinarka koja ne daje puno povjerenja u ono što ona smatra svojevrsnom urbanom legendom: videokaseta s zastrašujućim slikama naizgled kruži, popraćena telefonskim pozivom koji predviđa, tjedan dana unaprijed smrt osobe koji je to vidio. Međutim, kada četvero tinejdžera zatekne smrt točno tjedan dana nakon gledanja videa, radoznalost prevlada i neće prestati dok ne pronađu vrpcu i pogledaju je.


Projekt: Vještica iz Blaira

Projekt: Vještica iz Blaira 1999


Tijekom listopada 1994., tri studenta filma na koledžu u Montgomeryju, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard i Michael Williams dali su prijedlog za stvaranje projekta koji će se predstaviti u filmskoj klasi, a projekt nazvan Heather "Projekt vještica iz Blaira" uključivao je intervjue sa stanovnicima grada iz Burkittsville-a, Maryland, o lokalnoj vještici.


Mrtva tišina

Mrtva tišina 2007


Kad se ožalošćeni udovac vrati u svoj rodni grad na sprovod svoje žene, otkrije da bi njezina misteriozna smrt mogla biti povezana s duhom preminulog trbuhozborca.


Slender Man

Slender Man 2018


Radnja filma odvija se u malom gradiću u Massachusettsu gdje četiri srednjoškolke izvode ritual s ciljem razotkrivanja opasnog Slender Mana. Kada jedna od njih misteriozno nestane, djevojke počinju sumnjati da se radi o još jednoj žrtvi upravo Slender Mana.


Jezive priče iz mraka

Jezive priče iz mraka 2019


Obitelj Bellows ostavila je neizbrisiv trag na gradić Mill Valley, jer upravo u njihovoj velebnom domu mlada Sarah Bellows svu je bol i tugu svog nesretnog života prebacila u zbirku zastarašujući kratkih priča. Te će priče za grupu tinejdžera postati stvarnost kada odluče istražiti tajne koje skriva napušteni dom Bellowsovih.



Candyman 1992


Helen Lyle je studentica koja odluči pisati o lokalnim legendama i mitovima. Posjeti jedan dio grada u kojem saznaje za legendu o Candymanu, jednorukom čovjeku koji se pojavljuje kad ispred ogledala pet puta izgovorite njegovo ime. Helen u to ne vjeruje, te joj strah ljudi s kojima razgovara nije jasan...



Krugovi 1998


Nakon što joj je nećakinja Tomoko umrla pod nerazjašnjenim okolnostima, novinarka Reiko posjećuje ožalošćenu obitelj i dozna da je smrt djevojke povezana sa smrću njezinih vršnjaka. Istražujući o čemu je riječ, Reiko dođe do zagonetne videovrpce koju je Tomoko odgledala neposredno pred smrt. Pogledavši kratki film s naizgled nepovezanim kadrovima na vrpci, Reiko dobije telefonski poziv koji joj navijesti skoru smrt. Udruživši se s bivšim suprugom Ryujijem, Reiko krene u očajničku borbu s vremenom kako bi razriješila misteriju, ali i spasila život svoga sinčića Yoichija koji je također pogledao zlosretni film...



Candyman 2021


Dokle god doseže sjećanje mještana, mirno čikaško naselje teroriše priča o duhu ubici koji umjesto ruke ima kuku, a koga vrlo lako mogu prizvati oni koji su dovoljno smjeli da pet puta za redom, gledajući se u ogledalo, ponove njegovo ime. Sada, deceniju pošto su kule u naselju srušene, vizuelni umjetnik Anthony McCoy i njegova djevojka, direktorka galerije, Brianna Cartwright, useljavaju se u luksuzni stan, preuređen do neprepoznatljivosti. Anthony će otkriti zastrašujuću, istinitu priču koja stoji iza Candymana. Nestrpljiv da održi svoj umetnički status u čikaškim krugovima, on počinje da istražuje jezive detalje i ne sluteći otvara vrata u prošlost, raskrinkava vlastiti um i pokreće nezaustavljiv talas nasilja koji ga sudara sa tokom vlastite sudbine.



Chupa 2023


Tijekom posjeta obitelji u Meksiku usamljeni se dječak sprijatelji s mitskim stvorenjem koje se skriva na ranču njegova djeda te krene u pustolovinu života.


Philadelphijski eksperiment

Philadelphijski eksperiment 1984


Godine 1943. američka ratna mornarica provodila je testove s namjerom da savezničke brodove učini nevidljivima neprijateljskim radarima. Međutim, u listopadu te godine zbio se nevjerojatan fenomen koji je doveo do trenutačnog prekida testiranja. Naime, brod usidren u philadelphijskoj luci doslovno je nestao, a dvojica članova posade, David Herdeg i Jim Parker, našli su se u budućnosti - u 1984. godini. Tamo postaju meta policijske potjere, a pomoć im pruža slučajna namjernica Allison Hayes.


Candyman 2: Zbogom tijelu

Candyman 2: Zbogom tijelu 1995


Candyman dolazi u New Orleans i baci oko na mladu ženu čiju je obitelj uništio besmrtni serijski ubojica prije mnogo godina.


Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai

Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 2013


Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors, and urban legends throughout the history of Japan.



Durarara!! 2010


In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence of a headless "Black Rider" who is said to be seen driving a jet-black motorcycle through the city streets. Mikado Ryuugamine has always longed for the excitement of the city life, and an invitation from a childhood friend convinces him to move to Tokyo. Witnessing the Black Rider on his first day in the city, his wishes already seem to have been granted. But as supernatural events begin to occur, ordinary citizens like himself, along with Ikebukuro's most colorful inhabitants, are mixed up in the commotion breaking out in their city.



MythBusters 2003


MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories.


Our Unwinding Ethos

Our Unwinding Ethos 2019


Urban legends, seemingly true yet seemingly fantastical, connect the past and future. While conducting research at Bride’s Pool, professor of folkloristics Poon Dor-lai experiences what appears to be paranormal encounters, but soon uncovers criminal exploits behind it. She teams up with journalist Fu Chi-pok to probe into the matter, unravelling the unknown background of bride-to-be Wong Yuk. The two decide to team up to continue work on Chi-pok's missing father's research paper on urban legends, but in the process, they discover many cases that bear similarity to the legends and they begin to suspect his disappearance.


Boogiepop Phantom

Boogiepop Phantom 2000


Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there.


1000 Ways to Die

1000 Ways to Die 2009


The science of living and the randomness of death are combined with a dash of Darwinism. Forensic experts, pathologists, toxicologists, herpetologists, and other experts offer eloquent explanations of mortality.


Eerie, Indiana

Eerie, Indiana 1991


Teenage weirdness investigator Marshall Teller adventures through his new small-town home with his friends, geeky Simon Holmes and mysterious Dash X.


It's a Mystery

It's a Mystery 1996


A children’s magazine show talking us through the fact and fiction of mysterious subjects and spooky goings on.


The Lowe Files

The Lowe Files 2017


Follow Rob Lowe and his two sons, Matthew and John Owen, as they investigate unsolved legends and eerie age-old stories on a bonding family adventure years in the making.


Ninja Collection

Ninja Collection 2020


Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories spin-off. The story will center on the Tōkeshū ninja group in Tokyo, the city where dreams and desires swirl like eddies in a river. With ancient techniques passed down through generations, the ninja are intent on wiping out the "darkness" enveloping people in the current Reiwa era.


Urban Legends

Urban Legends 2007


Urban Legends is a 30 minute 2007 television documentary-style series hosted by Michael Allcock. David Hewlett became the new host in 2011. In each episode, three urban legends are dramatized and presented to the television audience; the audience is then to speculate which one or two of the three is true. Each legend has witnesses to tell the story. For the one or two fake legends, the witnesses are actors, while the true legend uses real people affected by the story. Included in each episode are two quick quiz-like stories, called mini-myths, which air before the commercial breaks. Each will begin with the number of the mini myth and its name, followed by the story. After the commercial, the answer to the mini-myth is announced and the rest of the programming continues as it previously had. The show originally aired on the Biography Channel in the U.S., History Television in Canada and FX in the United Kingdom where it was hosted by Mark Dolan. It has also aired in Argentina, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Finland, Estonia, The Netherlands, Russia, Hungary and Denmark. The series briefly returned to the Syfy network as an "Original Series" with new episodes starting on Monday April 18, 2011, then moved to the regular time, Fridays at 10. The new episodes followed exactly the same format as the original but were narrated by Stargate's David Hewlett. The show now airs occasionally as reruns and mini-marathons on both SyFy and Chiller.


Fake Documentary

Fake Documentary "Q" 2021


Strange things are happening in present day Japan. Fake Documentary "Q" blends found footage and alternate reality premises to present a disturbing vision of a paranormal world lurking underneath day-to-day experiences.