Stvarna bol

Stvarna bol 2024


Neskladni rođaci David i Benji ponovno se ujedinjuju na putovanju kroz Poljsku kako bi odali počast svojoj voljenoj baki. Avantura poprima neočekivan smjer kada se stare napetosti ovog neobičnog dvojca ponovno pojave u sjeni njihove obiteljske povijesti.


Kralj lavova

Kralj lavova 2019


Simba idolizira oca, kralja Mufasu i teška srca prihvaća svoju sudbinu. Scar, Mufasin brat nije oduševljen dolaskom mladunca jer je upravo on bivši nasljednik prijestolja koji ima druge planove. Borba za Kamen Ponosa opustošena je izdajom i tragedijom što je na kraju rezultiralo Simbinim izgnanstvom. Uz pomoć veselih i znatiželjnih prijatelja, Simba prisilno odrasta te uzima ono što mu s pravom pripada!


Pričaj mi

Pričaj mi 2023


Kada grupa prijatelja otkrije kako prizivati duhove pomoću balzamirane ruke, oni se zaljube u novo otkriće, sve dok jedno od njih ne ode predaleko i oslobodi zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile.



Prisutnost 2025


Obitelj se useljava u novu kuću, a zatim primjećuje jezivu prisutnost u domu.



Ostavljeni 2023


Paul Hunham, učitelj u pripremnoj školi u Novoj Engleskoj, prisiljen je ostati na kampusu tijekom božićnih praznika kako bi se brinuo za nekolicinu učenika koji se ne mogu vratiti kući. Za nekoliko dana ostaje samo jedan učenik - 15-godišnji nasilnik po imenu Angus, pametni gnjavator čije loše ponašanje uvijek prijeti izbacivanjem. Paulu i Angusu pridružuje se školska kuharica Mary, koja je upravo izgubila sina u Vijetnamu.


Nitko te neće spasiti

Nitko te neće spasiti 2023


Tiha Brynn Adams u svakom se društvu osjeća kao crna ovca. Mlada i talentirana sramežljiva žena ne pronalazi mjesto za sebe u društvu i odlučuje se zatvoriti u četiri zida. Smješta se u kuću svojih roditelja. Samoća joj ne smeta. Provodi vrijeme u razmišljanju i sanjarenju, radosna što su buka i gužva ostali iza nje. Poznato mjesto donosi joj mir koji je krhkoj osobi toliko nedostajao. Pokušava se izvući iz dugotrajne depresije. Noću čuje šuštanje i tiho škljocanje. Zna da se pljačkaši često ušuljaju u osamljene kuće u nadi da će doći do lakog plijena, ali ovoga puta je nisu posjetili lopovi.


Manchester by the Sea

Manchester by the Sea 2016


Nakon osobne tragedije od koje se još uvijek nije oporavio, Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) nevoljko se vraća u rodni gradić Manchester u Massachussettsu. Tamo ga dočekuje 16-godišnji Patrick, koji je nenadano ostao bez oca pa je Leeju povjerena skrb nad nestašnim tinejdžerom.


Majčinski instinkt

Majčinski instinkt 2024


Alice i Celine su nerazdvojne i dijele sve, od dnevnih rutina do tajni. Njihov savršeni sklad narušen je kada jedan od njihovih sinova pogine u tragičnoj nesreći dok je bio pod Aliceinom skrbi. Celine okrivljuje Alice za smrt svog djeteta i postaje opsjednuta time da zaštiti svog preživjelog sina od bilo kakvog zla. Alice se, s druge strane, osjeća krivom i paranoičnom jer Celine planira nauditi njoj i njezinoj obitelji. Slijedi žestoka borba volja dok dvije žene srljaju u ludilo i nasilje.


Kuća noćnih mora

Kuća noćnih mora 2021


Oporavljajući se od neočekivane smrti supruga, Beth ostaje sama u domu na jezeru koji joj je sagradio. Pokušava se tamo pribrati i ponovo započeti život bez njega - ali tada kreće prava noćna mora. Uznemirujuće vizije je mame sablasnom privlačnošću. Suprotno savjetima svojih prijatelja, Beth počinje kopati po suprugovim stvarima, žudeći za odgovorima. Ono što nalazi su tajne i čudne i uznemirujuće - misterij koji je odlučna otkriti.


Svi smo neprijatelji

Svi smo neprijatelji 2017


Godine 1892. legendarni satnik američke vojske Joseph Blocker nevoljko pristaje otpratiti poglavicu Cheyennea na samrti i njegovu obitelj natrag u njihovu rodnu zemlju. Oni kreću na dugo i opasno putovanje od vojne utvrde u Novom Meksiku do ravnica Montane te ubrzo sreću mladu udovicu čija je obitelj pobijena. Putnici moraju udružiti snage kako bi preživjeli u surovom prostranstvu koje vrvi neprijateljski raspoloženim Komančima i nadasve opasnim odmetnicima.


Željezna kandža

Željezna kandža 2023


Strogi teksaški otac - glava obitelji Von Erich - učinit će sve da pomogne svojim sinovima da postignu u sportu ono što on sam nije mogao. Iza kulisa hrvačkih predstava za kojima je Amerika poludjela 1980-ih nalaze se brutalni treninzi, slomljeni karakteri, rasplinuti snovi i narušeni bratski odnosi. Roditeljske ambicije postaju prokletstvo za njihove sinove - Von Erichovi pogađaju udarac za udarcem. Hoće li dotad nepobjediva braća izbjeći sudbinu koja visi nad njima?


This Is Us

This Is Us 2016


Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday - and so much more than anyone would expect.


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.



WandaVision 2021


Wanda Maximoff and Vision—two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.


Dead to Me

Dead to Me 2019


A hotheaded widow searching for the hit-and-run driver who mowed down her husband befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems.



Fleabag 2016


A portrait into the mind of a dry-witted, sexual, angry, porn-watching, grief-riddled woman, trying to make sense of the world. As she hurls herself headlong at modern living, Fleabag is thrown roughly up against the walls of contemporary London, with all its frenetic energy, late nights, and bright lights.



Trentenaires 2023


Trentenaires ("in their thirties" in french), it's the story of a close group of friends who share everything since their party years at Enzo's. First loves, first cries, important promises and griefs. They are now in their thirties, the age where you hope, you enjoy, you share everything with your loved ones... but also the age where you first think, search, and where it's sometimes difficult to be yourself.



Broadchurch 2013


The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.


After Life

After Life 2019


Tony had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa suddenly dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes from now on.


Go On

Go On 2012


Ryan King, a recent widower and sports talk radio host ready to get back to work after the loss of his wife. Ryan's alpha-male boss, Stephen, has a different plan in store for Ryan, making him attend grief counseling before returning to the air. A reluctant Ryan finds himself in a support group for "life change," where he meets an oddball cast of characters, all with their own backstories filled with varying degrees of loss.


Detective Yugami

Detective Yugami 2017


Yukimasa Yugami is a detective who chases after facts in cases. He will resort to illegal investigations and he uses his unique reasoning powers. His partner is rookie detective Torao Hanyu.


Meeting You Loving You

Meeting You Loving You 2021


Song Qingchun faces a major setback in life. To rebuild her family business and reinvent herself, she reluctantly signs a contract with Su Zhinianand undergoes intense training.


After Forever

After Forever 2018


After Forever is the story of Brian and Jason, a 50-ish New York City gay couple, who have it all until they don't.


Borg Mom

Borg Mom 2017


Choi Go-Bong works in the field of artificial intelligence. His wife died 7 years ago after giving birth to their son Choi Yool. Choi Go-Bong then developed a borg mom using AI and robotics. Choi Yool enters a prestigious kindergarten and the borg mom meets the other mothers there. The mothers group is full of vanity and pretentiousness.


Grace's History

Grace's History 2023


In her beloved car, "Grace", a wife is on her way to Narita. Following a bus accident that kills her, her husband, Kikuo, gets access to her GPS which contains the history of all the places she travelled to without his knowledge. Suspecting infidelity, Kikuo embarks on a journey to trace the history of the car's GPS in order to solve the mystery.


Angel Flight

Angel Flight 2023


Ryoko Yonekura stars in this series written by Ryota Kosawa about specialists who transport the deceased back home. The company Angel Hearse is run by Nami Izawa and Kashiwagi. A drama that portrays love between the deceased and the bereaved.


Love Me

Love Me 2021


The Mathiesons, Clara (30s), Glen (60s) and Aaron (20s), find themselves at an emotional crossroads following an unexpected event that changes their lives forever.


Feed the Beast

Feed the Beast 2016


For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale restaurant in their hometown of the Bronx is all they have left to turn their lives around. Together, they take on the insanity of the New York restaurant world, and navigate its underbelly of petty criminals, corrupt officials and violent mobsters.


The Boy That Never Was

The Boy That Never Was 2024


When Dillon’s father Harry races back to their tiny apartment to rescue his child, the apartment is in rubble and there is no sign of his son. Three years later, thousands of miles away in Dublin, Harry spots a six-year-old boy in a crowd and is convinced he is Dillon. Desperate to find his son, Harry’s obsession tears apart his marriage to Robin, exposing shameful secrets that lead to the truth of what happened to their son on the night he went missing.


Sleepless Society: Nyctophobia

Sleepless Society: Nyctophobia 2019


Following the death of her child, a grief-stricken woman struggles to find peace until a mysterious boy appears, claiming to be her reincarnated son.