Charlie i tvornica čokolade

Charlie i tvornica čokolade 2005


Charlie Bucket (F. Highmore) živi u trošnoj kućici izvan grada s mamom, tatom, dvije bake i dva djeda. Tata mu je slabo plaćeni izumitelj, a djedovi i bake po cijeli dan leže u jednom krevetu, jer ih više i nemaju, pokriveni dekama. Mama se brine o svima i nastoji ih prehraniti unatoč neimaštini. Charlie pomaže koliko može, a životni mu je san da jednog dana uđe u najslavniju tvornicu čokolade na svijetu, čiji je vlasnik Willy Wonka (J. Depp). Jednog dana cijeli je svijet doznao da je Willy Wonka među svoje čokolade stavio pet koje se razlikuju od drugih: u njima je zlatna karta. Dijete koje nađe zlatnu kartu može doći u tvornicu čokolade, a onaj tko između petorice sretnika bude pobijedio, dobit će čudesnu nagradu.


Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade

Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade 1971


Siromašni dječak, Charlie Bucket, jedan je od pet sretnika koji će posjetiti čudesnu tvornicu čokolade koja se nalazi u vlasništvu povučenog ekscentrika, Willyja Wonke. Dok ih Willy vodi po tvornici prepunoj ukusnih slatkiša djeca upadaju u razne neprilike koje često završe sa komičnim posljedicama. Hoće li Charlie izbjeći takvu sudbinu i osvojiti konačnu nagradu, doživotnu zalihu čokolade?


Upoznajte Billa

Upoznajte Billa 2007


Bill je bankovni službenik kojega frustrira ženina nevjera, tast koji upravlja bankom i njegovi neuspješni pokušaji da promijeni karijeru. Kada ga nagovore da postane mentor klincu po nadimku Kid, stvari se mijenjaju.


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.



Candy 2007


Candy is an Indonesian soap opera produced by SinemArt based on the Candy Candy series. Tells the story of Candy, an orphan who lives in an orphanage. One day she was adopted by one of the leading families in Jakarta as their children's friend. However, it turns out that Candy was adopted as a servant instead, thus begins the various sufferings in her life. Despite her misfortune and sadness, Candy always tries to be strong and cheerful because there is a shell from her childhood prince who always accompanies her when she is sad.


Dagashi Kashi

Dagashi Kashi 2016


Shikada Kokonotsu's father owns a rural sweets shop, and his plan is for Kokonotsu to take it over one day. However, Kokonotsu wants to be a manga author instead! One day in summer, the cute but weird girl Shidare Hotaru, from the famous sweets company, comes to pay a visit. Apparently, Kokonotsu's father is famous and she wants him to join her family's company. However, he will only agree if she can convince Kokonotsu to take over the family business!


Kamen Rider Gavv

Kamen Rider Gavv 2024


Granutes are intelligent lifeforms that operate secretly in the human world. They kidnap people for the sake of "Black Market Sweets." As people are attacked one after another by the Granutes, Shoma, a young man from another world, rises up to save the people. Together with the Gochizo, small monsters born from eating sweets, he transforms into Kamen Rider Gavv with a mouth-like belt!


Sweet Fever

Sweet Fever 2012


Her candy store's finances on the rocks, our hero Sweet Fever tries to save her livelihood by fighting to the top of the Pillow Fighting Federation for a big cash prize. With help from her best friend Sam and "not-boyfriend" Chet, Fever struggles to overcome ferocious fighters, a cantankerous commissioner and an arch-enemy she doesn't even realize she has...


True: Magical Friends

True: Magical Friends 2018


The power of friendship can solve any problem -- and the Rainbow Kingdom's got plenty to go around. Cue Bartleby and True for the rescue!



Zuzubaland 1998


Zuzubaland is a kingdom of goodies. The mountains are of ice cream, the rivers of chocolate, the sun is of candy and the moon is of honey. In this world of hotness, the bee Zuzu and his friends have fun adventures.