
Zodijak 2007


Poveznica između niza ubojstava u sjevernoj Kaliforniji, tijekom 60-ih i 70-ih su pisma, koja je, kako izgleda, ubojica poslao dnevnim listovima San Francisca, tražeći da budu objavljena ili će ponovno nekoga ubiti. Pisma su popraćena brojkama – šifriranim porukama – za koje ubojica kaže da sadrže pokazatelje njehovog identiteta. Robert Graysmith, karikaturist u jednom od listova – San Francisco Chronicle -, a također i amaterski kriptolog, postaje fasciniran .... ustvari opsjednut ... rješavanjem slučaja.


Građanin Kane

Građanin Kane 1941


Vijest da je u svom raskošnom dvorcu Xanadu na Floridi umro glasoviti tajkun Charles Foster Kane izuzetno uzburka američku javnost i medije. Doznavši da je pokojnik umro osamljen te da su mu posljednje riječi bile "ružin pupoljak", gospodin Rawlston, urednik jednih njujorških novina, na mjesto događaja smjesta pošalje skupinu svojih novinara sa zadatkom da doznaju što više pikantnih detalja o Kaneovu životu. Među njima je i Jerry Thompson, reporter koji odluči razgovarati s najbližim prijateljima i suradnicima čovjeka kojeg neki mediji posmrtno proglašavaju komunistom pa i fašistom. Thompson odluči razgovarati s Kaneovim menadžerom Bernsteinom, drugom suprugom Susan Alexander, s Kaneovim skrbnikom i bankarom Walterom Parksom Thatcherom, s najboljim prijateljem i kolegom Jedediahom Lelandom te postupno slaže sliku o pokojniku. A Kane je bio sve samo ne jednostavan čovjek...



Novine 2017


Radnja je usredotočena na objavu pentagonskih dokumenata u Washington Postu, kojima su 1971. njegovi novinari otkrili istinu o Vijetnamskom ratu. Pentagonski dokumenti predstavljaju niz službenih dokumenata američkog ministarstva obrane koji su procurili tako što ih je vojni analitičar Daniel Ellsberg dostavio novinarima.


Dogodilo se jedne noći

Dogodilo se jedne noći 1934


Razmažena Ellen "Ellie" Andrews (C. Colbert) mlada je i pomalo umišljena bogatašica, kći strogog milijunaša Alexandera Andrewsa (W. Connolly) koja se protivno očevoj volji želi udati za lovca na miraz i plejboja "Kinga" Westleya (J. Thomas). Kad pobjegne s jahte u Miamiju, gdje ju otac za njezino dobro drži "zatočenu", Ellie uskoči u autobus i krene na noćnu vožnju do New Yorka gdje ju čeka Westley. Tijekom putovanja do nje sjedi pomalo grubi i neodgovorni, ali pošteni i dobrodušni nezaposleni novinar Peter Warne (C. Gable), ambiciozan momak koji se nakon problema s alkoholom želi vratiti na posao. Kad iz novina dozna da mu je suputnica odbjegla nasljednica, Peter predloži Ellie da mu omogući pisanje ekskluzivne reportaže o događaju, a on će joj zauzvrat pomoći. Iako isprva teško podnose jedno drugo, odnos između Ellie i Petera postupno će se početi mijenjati.


News of the World

News of the World 2020


Udovac, veteran građanskog rata, pristaje odvesti djevojku koju su ljudi Kiowe odveli prije nekoliko godina, njenoj tetki i tetku, protiv njene volje. Putuju stotine kilometara i suočavaju se s ozbiljnim opasnostima, dok traže bilo koje mjesto koje mogu nazvati domom …



Spotlight 2015


Drama prema istinitom događaju o tome kako su bostonske novine razotkrile rašireno i dugotrajno seksualno zlostavljanje djece u kojem su sudjelovali katolički svećenici, a nadbiskupija je to godinama zataškavala. Kad se priča 2002. pojavila u novinama, buknuo je veliki skandal koji je izazvao potres u crkvenim krugovima.


Slatki život

Slatki život 1960


Rimski novinar Marcello Rubini (M. Mastroianni) u neprestanoj je potrazi za društvenim senzacijama kojima će ispuniti svoje članke tiskane u popularnome dnevniku. Dio njegovog posla je da bude prisutan svakome događaju o kojemu govori krema talijanskoga glavnoga grada: otvorenju velike izložbe, konferenciji za novinare glasovite međunarodne filmske zvijezde Sylvije (A. Ekberg) koja u Cinecittà snima najnoviji film, razuzdanoj zabavi visokoga društva... Usput se u noćnome lokalu susreće s ocem, odvodi u bolnicu djevojku koja je zbog njegove nevjere pokušala samoubojstvo, ispraća prijatelja kojemu je samoubojstvo uspjelo, na morskoj obali dočekuje golemu ražu kao nesvakidašnji ulov lokalnih ribara...


In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes 2005


Dvije sestre koje se godinama ne slažu prekinu odnose kada ona promiskuitetna i neodgovorna spava s dečkom svoje sestre, ali naposljetku se pomire uz pomoć bake za koju nisu ni znale. Toni Collette i Cameron Diaz glume par bliskih, ali vrlo različitih sestara. Nesputana i neodgovorna Maggie Feller (Diaz) prolazi kroz život zahvaljujući svom izgledu i nedostatku skrupula. Stalno traži financijsku pomoć od svoje uštogljene sestre i uspješne odvjetnice Rose (Collette). Dvije sestre bliske su dijelom zbog toga što je njihova nesretna majka umrla kad su bile male. U isto vrijeme kada Maggie pronađe skrivena pisma koja otkrivaju da ona i Rose imaju baku, Maggie jednim svojim činom iznevjeri Roseino povjerenje. Maggie krene u Floridu u potragu za bakom. Propala uredska romansa prisili Rose da razmisli o karijeri koja je bila središte njezina života. Dok Rose oprezno započinje novu vezu, a Maggie se zbližava s bakom, doznat će mračne obiteljske tajne koje će ih dovesti na put pomirenja.


The Wire

The Wire 2002


Told from the points of view of both the Baltimore homicide and narcotics detectives and their targets, the series captures a universe in which the national war on drugs has become a permanent, self-sustaining bureaucracy, and distinctions between good and evil are routinely obliterated.


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1993


A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel's early adult years in Metropolis. With the unknowing help of Lois Lane, Clark Kent created Superman there in Metropolis after finding work at the world-famous Daily Planet newspaper, where he meets fellow reporter Lois Lane.


Senhora do Destino

Senhora do Destino 2004


A story about people who succeed in life thanks to nothing but their own efforts. Maria do Carmo is the main character of the telenovela; a mother of five who struggle to be successful in life, but whose most important will be recovering the love of her daughter who was kidnapped when she was just months old.


Early Edition

Early Edition 1996


Gary Hobson thinks he may even be losing his mind when tomorrow's newspaper mysteriously arrives today giving him a disconcerting look into the future. What will he do with tomorrow's news?



Deadline 1959


Deadline is a 1959-1961 American television drama series that re-enacted famous newspaper stories from the past. Hosted and narrated by Paul Stewart, the syndicated series was produced by Arnold Perl. Guest stars included Peter Falk, Diane Ladd, Robert Lansing, and George Maharis. Thirty-nine 30-minute episodes were produced.


Perfect Strangers

Perfect Strangers 1986


The chronicles of the rocky coexistence of midwestern American Larry Appleton and his distant cousin from eastern Mediterranean Europe, Balki Bartokomous.



Scoop 1992


Follow both the professional and personal lives of reporters working for The Express, a daily Montréal Newspaper.



Broadchurch 2013


The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.


The Roaring 20's

The Roaring 20's 1960


The adventures of a newspaper reporter covering the world of cops and gangsters in 1920s Chicago.


Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper 1988


Jack the Ripper is a 1988 two-part television film/miniseries portraying a fictionalized account of the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the unidentified serial killer responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888. The series coincided with the 100th anniversary of the murders.


A Fading Summer

A Fading Summer 2015


A major newspaper has informally decided to employ a female university student. However, shock ripples within the newspaper because of a weekly magazine’s scoop that she is the daughter of the criminal in a serious case. This was the kidnapping of a newborn baby at a big hospital 20 years ago. The criminal demanded a ransom from the director of the hospital instead of the parents. But after the criminal had the large sum of money in hand, he died in an accident while being pursued by the police. The baby was never found. Kaji Hidekazu, a former hotshot journalist who has become deadwood in the wake of an incident, is ordered by the newspaper to re-investigate the kidnapping case. He finds out the shocking, tragic truth which had been kept under wraps.


Hot Metal

Hot Metal 1986


Hot metal is a London Weekend Television sitcom about the British Newspaper industry broadcast between 1986 and 1988. The daily crucible, the dullest newspaper in Fleet Street, is suddenly taken over by media magnate Terence "Twiggy" Rathbone. Its editor Harry Stringer is 'promoted' to managing editor, and is replaced in his old job by Russell Spam. Spam then takes the paper shooting downmarket and turns the crucible into a sensation seeking scandal rag, very much in the style of the British tabloids of the 1980s. He is helped along by his ace gutter journalist, Greg Kettle, who intimidates his tabloid victims by claiming to be "a representative of Her Majesty's press" and produces stories such as accusing a vicar of being a werewolf. Throughout the first series, a running plot involved cub reporter Bill Tytla gradually uncovering an actual newsworthy story that went to the very heart of government. Written by David Renwick and Andrew Marshall, it is very much a continuation in style from their previous sitcom Whoops Apocalypse!. It was produced by Humphrey Barclay.


Les jeunes loups

Les jeunes loups 2014


A team of young journalists attempt to free itself from the constraints of established rules and tell its readers the truth.


The Dark Years

The Dark Years 2007


Animated Canadian tales of the Great Depression as told by the staff of The Toronto Star.



Scúp 2013


Set in a struggling Irish language newspaper in Belfast, the series is built around the character of Rob Cullan. a journalist who has left a high flying job in an English newspaper under a cloud. He is persuaded to return to the community he grew up in by the wily newspaper proprietor Diarmuid Black to help rescue his ailing publication.